Fridge kicks on and off periodically. An energy star model might take 100 watts or less on average, but break out to 3-400 watts when running, depending on model, and near 0 watts when not running.
Newer tvs/appliances will only draw about 1 watt when in standby mode. Keep an eye on the older stuff, especially things that run on transformers. They can draw upwards of 10 watts when off. 10 watts/1000 * 24h * 365d *$.28 = $25/year even if you never turn it on. Power strips are good investments when used for things like this.
Newer tvs/appliances will only draw about 1 watt when in standby mode. Keep an eye on the older stuff, especially things that run on transformers. They can draw upwards of 10 watts when off. 10 watts/1000 * 24h * 365d *$.28 = $25/year even if you never turn it on. Power strips are good investments when used for things like this.