Omg! 0.30 kW/hour!!

What do you think is causing the phantom energy draw?

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Fridge kicks on and off periodically.  An energy star model might take 100 watts or less on average, but break out to 3-400 watts when running, depending on model, and near 0 watts when not running.

Newer tvs/appliances will only draw about 1 watt when in standby mode.  Keep an eye on the older stuff, especially things that run on transformers.  They can draw upwards of 10 watts when off.  10 watts/1000 * 24h * 365d *$.28 = $25/year even if you never turn it on.  Power strips are good investments when used for things like this.
I read in the SCE tips that flat screen TVs use more energy than the old tube ones.

I thought they used less, and while some sites differ on this topic, it seems per square inch, flats use more... and because everyone has bigger screens (since CRTs were limited in size), people are using more energy.

Time for solar flat screens?
Yes. DVRs too. If you have are renting an early generation DVR, head on over to the Cox store and cycle that baby out. 70-100w drops to 30-50w. And if you don't have DVR service, cycle that hobbled DVR that Cox gave you for a small, simple cable box. Now you're at 5-20w of consumption.

irvinehomeowner said:
I read in the SCE tips that flat screen TVs use more energy than the old tube ones.

I thought they used less, and while some sites differ on this topic, it seems per square inch, flats use more... and because everyone has bigger screens (since CRTs were limited in size), people are using more energy.

Time for solar flat screens?
Maybe true for plasmas.  They run really hot.  Definitely not true for LCD/LEDs when area is factored in.  My old 19" CRT monitor used as much power as my current 55" LCD.
WTTCMN said:
Ok - I checked.  I'm at 0.09 at my "lowest".  Basically, based on all these electricity threads, I'm doing everything right - except for the AC.  Can't run that sucker if I don't want a huge bill.  Sigh.

Solar Panels.

They supply power when you need it most.
WTTCMN said:
Ok - I checked.  I'm at 0.09 at my "lowest".  Basically, based on all these electricity threads, I'm doing everything right - except for the AC.  Can't run that sucker if I don't want a huge bill.  Sigh.

Are you sure you are checking the dates AFTER you moved in??  No fair checking kW BEFORE your move.
Edison tech came over and confirmed the meter is fine.  He also tried to convince me a normal house runs 0.60 kW to 0.80 kW on idle is normal.

How come TI normal is so different???
I just checked my usage during idle time (12AM - 6 AM), my one shows around 0.38kWh.
I live in 2,300 sqft, 2014 built IP home, and only things constantly running during night time are a refrigerator, a WIFI router and NAS for home media server.

My idle average is 0.35 to 0.40.

I checked on one of the days when we were on vacation and it was consistently 0.35 the whole day until the auto lights turned on at 8pm and then it "jumped" to 0.52.
So is there an update to this?

One thing about ZL's predicament is it has me checking the SCE site everyday and managing our elec usage.

Good thing the weather cooled down today... I think I can avoid another $180 bill this month.
WTTCMN said:
Fun time is over.  Back @ work.  Although I will always make time to have pointless "arguments" with IHO on TI. 

For pugilistic Iho, no sweeter words could be spoken!