OH School opening K-8 2018-19

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Email from TUSD:

Dear Orchard Hills Area Residents and Stakeholders,

Last evening, the TUSD Board of Education voted unanimously to expand Orchard Hills School to a K-8 environment beginning in the 2018-19 school year.  This is a decision that many in the area have been waiting for, and your patience is appreciated.  I want to thank everyone who took the time to complete the online commitment form as well.  I know the Board found the data your responses provided (along with the feedback received at the various community information sessions) to be vital in this decision. 

In summary, the TUSD Board took the following action last evening:

Grades K-4 will be added to Orchard Hills School for the 2018-19 school year.  This will make Orchard Hills School a K-8 site.
Hicks Canyon Elementary will add fifth grade for the 2018-19 school year.
Current Myford Elementary fourth-grade students residing North of Champion Way have the opportunity to stay at Myford through the end of fifth grade. 