OC professor tells Asian couple to ?go back to your home country'

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Typical OC Register and their crappy writers. They misspelled "Former OC Professor..."

well...eventually, right?

My .02c

Displacement of European-Americans

CBS2 News spoke to Olson, a counselor at Golden West College, at her home Sunday, though she refused to give an on-camera interview.

She did tell CBS2 that her students know she is not a racist.

A statement from Olson read, ?I feel my perspective will be twisted if discussing the skewed video which cut out part of the incident.[?] If you would like to have a full normal interview about the displacement of European-Americans then I gladly am available to enlighten the public.?
Too funny

The word ?displacement ? is more aptly applied to native Americans

But I guess she is now well qualified to make an appearance on Fox News as a ?victim ?
Can somebody please explain to the gentleman in the video that he doesn't understand the meaning of "bigot"?
JM2C, I'll take the 'displacement of european americans' as an admission she said it.  I was surprised it's Long Beach, when I heard Golden West, I kind of assumed HB skinhead.

Now moving on, I'm kind of curious what the pissing match was about before the camera started rolling and grandstanding started? 

That said, JIMHO, if your response to getting called out and telling someone to go home is 'European-American displacement' instead of  'I was angry and just lashed out', I'm fairly confident I'm going to get you in the general quadrant of the Melting Pot/Race Nationalist Bigot/Openminded grid.
If it bothers her that much, there are plenty of areas around CA that are mostly white.  Locally there's Canyon Lake (~90% white).  In Central CA San Luis Obispo is ~85% white.  In Northern CA, if you follow the Napa Valley winery trail north, most of the small towns have 75%+ white demographic (St. Helena, Calistoga, Healdsburg, Cloverdale, etc).
Burn That Belly said:
Another white person speaking the truth and exercising her first amendment right. I don't think she should be removed from her position at school because the encounter did not occur on school campus nor was she on the clock at the time. Therefore, this is a private matter.

So I guess if a CEO says something like what happened with this lady, but not in his company, the CEO is ok and entitled?  If Trump says stupid stuff but not in his white house, then it's ok?

Also is "European-American displacement" truth?  Displacement means forced to move or give up one's land or living arrangement, isn't it?  I thought most white folks moved out of LA and some OC to southern OC, Riverside, up in the valley area, out of county, and out of state made their decisions by themselves and most of time getting handsome financial gains by selling their homes to non-european americans...

May be I don't know what I'm talking about.  it's a mute point to argue on anything on this board but bigotry and racism won't go away no matter what... even done by colored folks...
momopi said:
If it bothers her that much, there are plenty of areas around CA that are mostly white.  Locally there's Canyon Lake (~90% white).  In Central CA San Luis Obispo is ~85% white.  In Northern CA, if you follow the Napa Valley winery trail north, most of the small towns have 75%+ white demographic (St. Helena, Calistoga, Healdsburg, Cloverdale, etc).

I'm almost sure that is East Long Beach, more specifically the houses couple blocks up from Ocean Blvd and 2nd Street - it's already over 90% white as is. If that won't do, dunno where she'd go next in a 100 mile radius.  You do have the rare token Asians, usually ones who graduated from CSULB and settled in the area after.  Seems she bumped into a couple of them and she felt like she didn't get what she paid for. 
Burn That Belly said:
Another white person speaking the truth and exercising her first amendment right. I don't think she should be removed from her position at school because the encounter did not occur on school campus nor was she on the clock at the time. Therefore, this is a private matter.
Yeah, the professor is an old cunt but at least she's an honest old cunt. Based on my highly scientific empirical knowledge about white folks, many whites publicaly professing to value "diversity" quietly believe that diverse people are beneath them.
Happiness said:
Burn That Belly said:
Another white person speaking the truth and exercising her first amendment right. I don't think she should be removed from her position at school because the encounter did not occur on school campus nor was she on the clock at the time. Therefore, this is a private matter.
Yeah, the professor is an old cunt but at least she's an honest old cunt. Based on my highly scientific empirical knowledge about white folks, many whites publicaly professing to value "diversity" quietly believe that diverse people are beneath them.

Really, most people don't value diversity in the true sense of the word. 

This is why Mexicans live in Mexican areas, Asians in Asian areas, etc.  It's also why liberals live in San Francisco and conservatives live in Texas.

When I attended CSULB, I remember the university president would always talk about how "diverse" our campus was and how great that was.  It was true, you probably had every possible ethnicity attending school there.  But what was not talked about as much was the fact that everybody self-segregated.  It was like a microcosm of the world.  The black students mostly stayed with the black student union.  The white frat boys hung out at the campus bar and drank with other white frat boys.  Every Asian nationality had its own campus club.  They even had segregated graduations, so the black students could go to the black graduation, the Hispanic kids could go to the Hispanic graduation, etc.

Apparently, wanting to be around people that are the same as you is a human trait.

Liar Loan said:
Happiness said:
Burn That Belly said:
Another white person speaking the truth and exercising her first amendment right. I don't think she should be removed from her position at school because the encounter did not occur on school campus nor was she on the clock at the time. Therefore, this is a private matter.
Yeah, the professor is an old cunt but at least she's an honest old cunt. Based on my highly scientific empirical knowledge about white folks, many whites publicaly professing to value "diversity" quietly believe that diverse people are beneath them.

Really, most people don't value diversity in the true sense of the word. 

This is why Mexicans live in Mexican areas, Asians in Asian areas, etc.  It's also why liberals live in San Francisco and conservatives live in Texas.

When I attended CSULB, I remember the university president would always talk about how "diverse" our campus was and how great that was.  It was true, you probably had every possible ethnicity attending school there.  But what was not talked about as much was the fact that everybody self-segregated.  It was like a microcosm of the world.  The black students mostly stayed with the black student union.  The white frat boys hung out at the campus bar and drank with other white frat boys.  Every Asian nationality had its own campus club.  They even had segregated graduations, so the black students could go to the black graduation, the Hispanic kids could go to the Hispanic graduation, etc.

Apparently, wanting to be around people that are the same as you is a human trait.

It's our innate desire as a species to be in a "safe space" and certainly not exclusive to white people.
The difference is like tolerance vs acceptance.

People tolerate different opinions, ideology, religion, sexual preference, race, politics, etc. without acceptance.  To truly accept you have to embrace.

In religion, a monotheist can tolerate a polytheist but would never accept the polytheistic beliefs (Exodus 34:14).  Acceptance is like religious syncretism.

To generalize, most people tolerate without acceptance.