First, before I dissect your post of vids, I want to thank you for having the ability to have a discussion about this topic, and see it for what it is. For the record, I am an Independent, and I think for myself. I am socially liberal, fiscally conservative, but not libertarian enough to eliminate the military like some. I am part of the party that doesn't exist. I blame Clinton for opening the barn door to this mess, and I blame Bush for cracking the whip on letting the herd out. When McCain pandered to blaming Freddie and Fannie, and buy mortgages at full price, I wanted to choke him. I honestly don't think Obama has a clear response to this, but McCain's was so dumb I wanted to grab his head and slam it against my head, because he went soooooooo far from free market capitalism, that he deserved that, or swift kick in the nuts.
[quote author="trrenter" date=1227848790]<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
Republicans trying to regulate Freddie and Fannie.</blockquote>
This video seems to be a mix between the <a href="">HR 1461</a> debates, and the accounting scandal of Freddie and Fannie. Either way, both sides of the political spectrum show their incompetence. If you read <a href="">HR 1461</a>, then you would understand why it never passed, and why it would not have changed anything. First, it was a bill that abolished OFHEO, and basically abolished Fannie and Freddie. It created a new agency, with a new czar, who would report to people who wouldn't understand a word that was said, but would bitch about something. This bill did not regulate jack squat. In fact, it approved the same encouragement of Housing and development act of 1992. Could the oversight helped prevent this? Maybe, but for gawdsakes, why the hell would you come up with such a partisan bill, that you should know would never ever pass because of your arrogance, when all you had to do was implement the laws you want without uprooting an established entity to create you own dumb a$$ entity.
Like this would have helped, since it was contained for so long...
(a) In General- The Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, in consultation with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, shall conduct a comprehensive study of the effects on financial and housing finance markets of alternatives to the current secondary market system for housing finance, taking into consideration changes in the structure of financial and housing finance markets and institutions since the creation of the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.</em>
<blockquote><object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
Once the horses are out of the Barn it is hard to get them back in.
Do I believe the CRA ws the only issue no but again it opened up the flood gate for the abuse for these loans.
Listening to the Bush speech's he advocated home ownership. He said "affordable housing" not give people that don't qualify for a 200k loan a 700k loan.</blockquote>
If you really believe the CRA is part of the problem, then can you provide me with evidence this? I mean, actual and factual evidence of this. I did many of a loan in my time, subprime, stated income, and 100% financing, but I never once did a CRA loan. You do know that firefighters, police, and teachers, regardless of ethnicity are part of the CRA, but since the Kool-Aid ran too deep in OC, none of those occupations ever qualified for the loans? They either made too much money, or didn't have enough down payment, because you had to verify the income despite the spin you get from the right. Please find me a factual source that proves the CRA was part of the problem. If you come up with lenders were forced to compete with CRA, then I will show you how they competed against themselves in their greed that destroyed them, not the CRA.
Oh... and in Bush's speech he does point out affording more home with the loans he is talking about. Whether you see this as advocating affordable housing or buying too much home, the person who bought too much home saw it that way.