Obviously the solution is the prior one, you may remember it. It was the model with the Insurance companies set up the rationing of care plans based on profitability and their reviews of medical effectiveness per dollar.
It's quite sad, but some minor tweaks would really go a long way to 'fixing' Obamacare.
Like, any coupon the manufacturer makes to cover the cost of the drug applies before any coverage determination for price splitting with the consumer. No more free co-pay coupons for Epi-pens and a sextupling of the price.
The second factor, modify anti-trust law in regards to health care, that any patented IP or derivatives of said IP patents, cannot invoke price increases on said IP base products post acquisition or one year prior to acquisition. Bye bye Shkreli.
Finally allow ACA to allow anyone to have a high deductible plan up to a deductible equal to the annual out of pocket costs.
Unfortunately i don't have a solution for all those nice Doctors that suddenly decided they need to be 'concierge' service based for a fee.