Movingup said:
Still gotta pass the senate and if those with pre-existing conditions get the shaft it will be the end of the republicans come midterm elections.
84% of people 55-65 have pre-existing conditions and I bet most of the other 16% either don't know they have something (because they haven't been to the doctor) or haven't used insurance to cover them and aren't counted. That's a whole lot of votes up for grabs and people vote when their wallet is affected.
Something HAS to be done with premiums going up on Obamacare and coverage dropping but throwing pre-existing people under the bus is going to hurt republicans.
In our area 400% of poverty is slightly over $64K. Go over that and there is no subsidy for a couple. Premiums are over $1400 a month for a couple currently and only subsidized if you are under the 400% poverty level. Go over by a buck and no subsidy. Got some extra income u weren't counting on (bonus for signing up for a new checking account, some weird $500 rent you collected for some relative who left u some property in a trust with 50 other people u didn't know about, mandatory ira distributions from a relative who passed on, special dividend declared at the end of the year, nice bonus from work you didn't expect, etc) and boom u don't qualify for that subsidy...... surprise!
If the insurance coverage was good it's one thing but no........ that policy is not one of the high end policies. One of my docs takes a higher policy. The others take nothing from Obamacare at all. And the kicker is that in every case their cash pay price to see them without insurance is less than the copays! And don't even get me started about meds which are all cheaper at Costco or even online than the copays for the higher end policies.
Then there is the oop. That Obamacare policy is only good if I wanted to go to crappy docs and then after over $20K oop between the premiums and oop for one person and not even including rx costs.
Now HOW is something that costs THAT much for someone earning a little over $64K per year in the OC affordable? Who can even pay those premiums in the OC on that income and get nothing for it?
Obviously it isn't which is why someone in that position isn't required to have insurance at all. They can get a waiver and pay NOTHING and no penalty at all because it's UNAFFORDABLE. HOW does that help? Pay cash (which is the cheapest way to go even with paying premiums) and have NO insurance at all?
Btw........ dental is not included either and no dentists I know accept Obamacare anyway.
So off the rant. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE but making pre-existing people pay even more is a disaster for the republicans and anyone with preexisting conditions which will be everyone if you live long enough. Pray your kids don't get asthma or ear infections and who knows what will be counted as pre-existing anyway. Miscarriages, osteoporosis, broken bones, hypertension, skin conditions?. You'll probably join the rest of us and the insurance companies will be happy.