Would be easier to let us put in turf. I get they don't want grass to look different. Just approve one.
the.irvine said:If you are an owner of SFH home, can you select which plants you want to grow in your front or backyard or you need permission each time? Just curious
undecided said:That might be one of the benefits of having a higher HOA. That sounds weird, like who would want to pay more for HOA? But having decent funds in the HOA (and a well run HOA) could help to make sure that at least the front of the house is well maintained and keeps its curb appeal.
Take that further, if HOA allows, maybe fine the owners who let their front lawns die, or require that homes be painted or repainted every 10-15 years, or prevent homeowners from installing a chain link fence instead of the standard white picket fence. Just some ideas.