Northwood Montessori

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I only know about the infant program cuz that's all I'm looking at.  The Spectrum Montessori one is way more affordable.  The price is ~$1350.  The Leport Spectrum is something like $1600 and going up to $1800 in Sept.  crazy expensive. They both have long wait lists, but we won't need it until Feb next year.  I met the infant teachers at the Spectrum one and they are really nice and caring.  Feels like a warm place very different vibe than Leport.
The LePort on technology does feel pretty snobby but after going there a few times it seemed ok..  My kid is on the waiting list there.  Beware of other fees!
I wonder what the start up fees for a Montessori operation would be...  TI Montessori anyone?  It would be real estate focused with a splash of real world discussions.  Must be potty trained cuz ain't nobody got time for that.  Field trips to new model homes and All That BBQ. We can start small, maybe in IHOs garage since he has so much room now.  The possibilities.....