Active member
3. Please do wish luck residents of following neighborhoods also:
a. entire LA--133 and 405
b. 1/2 CV--5 and 133
c. entire WBE--133
d. entire SGE-133
e. 1/4 SG--133
f. 1/4 OH--261
4. Glad you agreed that TCE is mainly GP issue--not PS1
5. Again, moved the goal post
. Brought up landfill. Since you are data-driven/logical guy, could you please get number of cancer deaths in one of the most sought after neighborhoods in Irvine today: Turtle Ridge? It was right next to landfill from 1963 to 1990--attached picture shared by someone on TI only.
The way you found out cancer cases in QH and "expecting" a similar result for OH.
PS1/HC/QH/OH are hilly areas whereas WB/CV/SG/NW/NP all are very flat.
Agreed--Americans want instant gratification. There is a difference between buying a car and home. That is why--car is 5 year loan/lease whereas home is 30 year; so, one should think little more while buying home than buying a car
a. entire LA--133 and 405
b. 1/2 CV--5 and 133
c. entire WBE--133
d. entire SGE-133
e. 1/4 SG--133
f. 1/4 OH--261
4. Glad you agreed that TCE is mainly GP issue--not PS1
5. Again, moved the goal post

The way you found out cancer cases in QH and "expecting" a similar result for OH.
PS1/HC/QH/OH are hilly areas whereas WB/CV/SG/NW/NP all are very flat.
Agreed--Americans want instant gratification. There is a difference between buying a car and home. That is why--car is 5 year loan/lease whereas home is 30 year; so, one should think little more while buying home than buying a car

YellowFever said:1) You were the one who mentioned 3 miles. I stated 3 miles is a terrible drive to pick up groceries weekly (it gets old). Being closer or next to WTC is best or living in Cypress Village and going to CV center is best. So always best to have a town center/grocery store nearby a neighborhood 1 block away and not have to drive that far.
2) Coyotes are everywhere yes. But Coyotes live in the mountains. There's no denying that. Coming down for food, PS1 is where they begin their hunt day and night. They do not travel as far to the beach and go surfing. The first piece of ass/meat they find is going to be in PS1 then they move on and come back home.
3) CDC does not say that a 'blocking' mountain/hill automatically dismisses the 'distance' that PS1 can be 'safe' from freeway pollution. Freeway pollution is airborne. A big fuckin' hill/mountain does not stop 'airborne' pollution, VX-1 poison gas terrorist strike, or even a nuclear fallout. Airborne is airborne period. No if and's or buts.
4) That TCE plume is presumably very old and outdated. Nobody wants to spend anymore money, special interest groups, the city, etc. and do more research to figure out where the plume has expanded. If nobody knows, then it's safe to assume it's spread 360 degrees wide like a circle and best to get far away from it from ground zero which is GP.
5) Still need to bring up that PS1 is still the closest neighborhood to the landfill. Landfill air is cancerous and being the closest neighborhood does not help. Arguing that the 'workers' do their best job of covering it up is like saying all 'black' people are criminals and all white people are 'racist'. There are good days and there are bad days with the landfill just like there are good black people and horrible black people. Until the landfill is completely sealed, done and over with, and/or a skyscraper is built on top of it, it is deemed 'ACTIVE' and polluting. Nobody can prove it isn't polluting because again, special interest groups and the elitists will protect their interests.
When there is a massive bird flu outbreak in Hong Kong, you stay out of Hong Kong! You don't go to Tsim Tsa Tsui and do tai chi if the bird flu is killing everyone only on Lantau Island. Get my point?
When terrorism strikes in France or London recently, you may want to reconsider vacation there because there is heightened 'risk'.
PS1 will never be as good as half the new neighborhoods in Irvine. It is the un-wanted 'alternative' stepchild neighborhood. There's nothing 'special' that the average buyer gets from living in PS1 that you don't get living in OH, Northwood, Northpark, WB, CV, EW, HC, or QH. Unless of course, you spend multi-millions to get that "view" but at that point, you might as well buy in Newport Coast.
I have talked to many PS1 homeowners/renters and they all bitch about the shitty drive and lack of nearby shopping. Why wait years for TIC to build out when you can 'enjoy' the NOW and live in a neighborhood that is near Tustin Marketplace, WTC, Spectrum, Irvine Business Complex, Tustin District, or the popular Diamond Jamboree?
Americans want instant satisfaction. They don't want to buy a car with saved up cash. They want to walk in, sign the 5 year loan, and walk out with a car. Talking about the 'future' and what 'could be' is asinine, because tomorrow, either cancer takes you or you get run over by a stop-sign runner.
That is my .02 cent.