New member
Hi everyone, I am new to the Irvine area and wondering what all the Irvine experts think of Northwood Estates neighborhood and schools? Thanks so much!
IrvineResident1 said:Thank you USCTrojan. There were some talks about rezone to irvine high from an old thread on here. Do you know if that could still happen?
Mety said:Isn't Mello Roos pretty strong here?
woodburyowner said:Mety said:Isn't Mello Roos pretty strong here?
No, properties were built 2004-2007 when MR was still reasonable. Also, I think one or two of the bonds have actually expired now.
irviniteeee said:It's not a community with huge lots, but it does offer some nice home designs. My favorite tract there is Camellia by California Pacific.
irviniteeee said:My favorite tract there is Camellia by California Pacific.
iacrenter said:irviniteeee said:My favorite tract there is Camellia by California Pacific.
I agree, loved the plan 4 with granny flat above the garage.
It was BKShopr approved and was featured on the Irvine Housing Blog in May 2012: "Uncovering the History of the Secret Garden"
I don't even know where you are supposed to go from here, but this is not okay. If he has a reputation amongst the city's police and other officials and they still haven't done anything, that's surprising. I'll make sure to recommend against this community to my friends. I had actually previously recommended this neighborhood to my friend who was looking to buy. I always called it a hidden gem community, but there's no way I would recommend him to live in this type of environment. Thanks for the heads up. It might seem like a long shot, but I wonder if you can contact anyone at the Irvine Company since this was one of their projects. To me it seems like he is getting away with this behavior because Northwood II (Estates) is a small neighborhood. That stuff would not fly in some of the larger neighborhoods.You should know that the current HOA board led by one "power hungry volunteer" is extremely controlling. The de facto leader has various nicknames in the community but we shall refer to him as Mr. HOA. He has installed, at considerable cost to the owners, almost 80 audio and video cameras for a community of 400 homes - or 1 camera for every 5 homes.This is far more cameras than what other communities have installed. And the cameras feed into Mr HOA google nest accounts on his personal devices (confirmed by the management company themselves). Mr HOA likes to claim the dozens of camera are for "your safety" as he claims crime rampant in our gated community in the safest city in America. He often likes to scare new people with stories of fentanyl houses and home invasions even though the police crime stats don't support his claims. But Mr. HOA/Batman claims that he alone has rid Gotham city of crime. Moreover Mr HOA and his 2 cronies are convinced we have child gangsters roaming the community and love to tell parents the HOA has the right to film their children and post pictures of them or even show videos to other parents without permission to identify these child criminals (basically to shame the parents). These are mostly minor incidents that other HOAs wouldnt even bother with ding dong ditch. Ironically Mr HOA sees no problem with him breaking his own rules (being a constant nuisance), violations of numerous state laws and federal laws.
Mr. HOA actually brags about how much income in violations they have collected. (see below). This number probably does not even come close to what "they" have actually charged the community (likely close to $400k). Some homes whom the board selectively targets (because the owners have questioned them or fought back) have been fined thousands of dollars for stupid things that have absolutely nothing to do with safety. In fact, many of the fines are grossly exaggerated or downright fabricated and are used as retaliation due his perceived criticism of "problem families" and "problem kids". And this is the same guy who publicly declared he wd welcome all criticism . Instead Mr. HOA demands compliance and accountability (complete submission) to his rules.
Mr HOA and his two cronies have also created tons of fees like extra vehicle fees, monthly tenant fees, and even a fee just to move in or out. All cars license plates must be registered and or scanned. Neighbors are encouraged to spy on each other and koat people are terrified of Mr. HOA retaliation and vengeance if you don't submit to his will. Mr HOA is well known in the community to stalk and film. see this video of Mr. HOA stalking residents he doesn't like.MR HOA thinks he is the police, FBI and CIA and likes to interrogate strangers, jump in front of cars to tell them they didn't stop for 3 seconds or were speeding.
This used to be a peaceful neighborhood but under the current board members (the trio of volunteers (sic unemployed) who "spend hundreds of hours and don't get paid a penny " the culture has deteriorated significantly to one where neighbors are afraid to talk to each other for fear of being spied on or are worried about being filmed or photographed.
Maybe the hundreds of thousands of dollars of violations are charged bc no one seems to know what or how much is being spent. Financials and annual reports are completely missing from several years. Legal expenses have exploded to over $150k - most likely becuas Mr HOA has bragged about collecting $170k in violations in a year which is over and beyond what other communities fine their residents. As of this writing the community has likely been charged close to $400k in fines. But who really knows because residents are barred from inspecting financial records.
God forbid you even question Mr. HOA about anything and you will be obsessively targeted, slandered, and defamed by Mr HOA and his sad little band of Karen groupies via hundreds of posts on the "community forums" (basically his personal ranting and fandom website) and group texts. Your family will be branded a problem family or even a problem street. You are forced to admit to violations you or your family didnt do and forced to write an apology to Mr HOA. And if you dare to run for election against his "endorsed crony karens" then he goes nuclear. Insults, community emails - all complete lies. Yes Mr HOA loves to lie and then accuse everyone else of "fake news". Hmmm starting to sound familiar. Mr HOA even rallied his Karen groupies to rise up against an opposition candidate and release the the persons personal information and address! Yes Mr HOA has no bounds in what he will do. He proudly harassed a canvasser for another candidate and posted his video on Youtube.
And Mr HOA isn't even running in this election!! One can only imagine the lengths he would go to if he was up for election.
Life is also tougher for renters too as Mr HOA seeks to reduce the number of renters because they "bring down property values". Many renters have been forced out. Here's another video of a landlord being harassed for helper his renter get a gate access sticker.
After Mr. HOA moved in, he quality of life for most residents has deteriorated (unless you are one of the lucky Karen groupies - including one Darren). People are routinely locked out of the pool or cannot get their gate access in a timely manner. One renter couldn't access the gate for almost a year.
Mr. HOA claims "he will not be muzzled" but he and his little band of Karen groupies obsessively monitor, social media and forums (such as this one) for any post they do not like and deactivate "fake accounts and fake news" (sound familiar ?) even though the laws protect free speech).
Not surprisingly, Mr. HOA has earned quite a reputation among the police, judges and city hall and yet blatantly ignores their warnings. Mr HOA loves lawsuits (hmmm maybe we wouldn't have so many legal fees) and regularly threatens to sue people. He has claimed to the police that he has unlimited funds (home over money) for lawsuits.
So dear readers if you love tons of cameras, tons of fees, tons of violations, and being monitored 24/7 then this is your neighborhood. Just know what you are getting into when you move here because I wouldn't wish this HOA on anyone.
P.S. Administrator - he will try to remove this review and retaliate because that is the kind of person he is. He scours the internet all day (because he has no job) to find anything that he doesn't like and reports it. He controls everything.
Seems like you live in a communist HOA that is run and controlled by a dictator and his cronies. The guy needs to be reminded that "North"wood Estates is located in America which is a free country and not in some communist country where he can act like a dictator and harass and violate the residents right of privacy like this!You should know that the current HOA board in Northwood Estates/II is led by one "power hungry volunteer" is extremely controlling. The de facto leader has various nicknames in the community but we shall refer to him as Mr. HOA. He has installed, at considerable cost to the owners, almost 80 audio and video cameras for a community of 400 homes - or 1 camera for every 5 homes. This is far more cameras than what other communities have installed. And the cameras feed into Mr. HOA's google nest accounts on his personal devices (confirmed by the management company themselves and seen by other residents). Mr. HOA likes to claim the dozens of camera are for "your safety" as he claims crime is rampant in our small gated community in the safest city in America. He often likes to scare new people with stories of fentanyl houses and home invasions even though the police crime stats don't support his claims. Note: the police have confirmed that our crimes are comparabel to other surrounding communities without all the cameras and gates. But Mr. HOA/Batman claims that he alone has rid Gotham city of crime. Moreover Mr HOA and his 2 cronies are convinced there are child gangsters roaming the community with plastic whiffle ball bats and believe the HOA has the right to film their children and post pictures of them or even show videos to other parents without permission to identify these child criminals (basically to shame the parents) and call residents out for being "bad parents". These are mostly minor incidents that other HOAs wouldnt even bother with like ding dong ditch, digging for worms, or trying to get sap out of a tree. Ironically Mr HOA sees no problem with him breaking his own rules (being a constant nuisance), violations of numerous state laws and federal laws and ignoring the warnings of the police and an OC Superior judge who called him an "over the top hall monitor who takes his job too seriously and is making all his neighbors miserable". Most rational law abiding people would back down after being warned by officials...but not Mr. HOA who explained to the judge that the HOA is a "quasi-goverment" [apparently not subject to any other laws]. Mr. HOA then amped up his harassment of the poor tenent and forced his family outta there and targeted those who tried to help the tenant. See court transcript below for your reading pleasure.
Mr. HOA actually brags about how much income in violations they have collected. (see below). This number probably does not even come close to what "they" have actually charged the community (likely close to $400k). Some homes whom the board selectively targets (because the owners have questioned them or fought back) have been fined thousands of dollars for stupid things that have absolutely nothing to do with safety. In fact, many of the fines are grossly exaggerated or downright fabricated and are used as retaliation due his perceived criticism of "problem families" and "problem kids". And this is the same guy who publicly declared he wd welcome all criticism . Instead Mr. HOA demands compliance and accountability (complete submission) to his rules.
Mr HOA and his two cronies have also created tons of fees like extra vehicle fees, monthly tenant fees, and even a fee just to move in or out. All cars license plates must be registered and or scanned. Neighbors are encouraged to spy on each other and koat people are terrified of Mr. HOA retaliation and vengeance if you don't submit to his will. Mr HOA is well known in the community to stalk and film. see this video of Mr. HOA stalking residents he doesn't like.MR HOA thinks he is the police, FBI and CIA and likes to interrogate strangers, jump in front of cars to tell them they didn't stop for 3 seconds or were speeding.
This used to be a peaceful neighborhood but under the current board members (the trio of volunteers (sic unemployed) who "spend hundreds of hours and don't get paid a penny " the culture has deteriorated significantly to one where neighbors are afraid to talk to each other for fear of being spied on or are worried about being filmed or photographed.
Maybe the hundreds of thousands of dollars of violations are charged bc no one seems to know what or how much is being spent. Financials and annual reports are completely missing from several years. Legal expenses have exploded to over $150k - most likely becuas Mr HOA has bragged about collecting $170k in violations in a year which is over and beyond what other communities fine their residents. As of this writing the community has likely been charged close to $400k in fines. But who really knows because residents are barred from inspecting financial records.
God forbid you even question Mr. HOA about anything and you will be obsessively targeted, slandered, and defamed by Mr HOA and his sad little band of Karen groupies via hundreds of posts on the "community forums" (basically his personal ranting and fandom website) and group texts. Your family will be branded a problem family or even a problem street. You are forced to admit to violations you or your family didnt do and forced to write an apology to Mr HOA. And if you dare to run for election against his "endorsed crony karens" then he goes nuclear. Insults, community emails - all complete lies. Yes Mr HOA loves to lie and then accuse everyone else of "fake news". Hmmm starting to sound familiar. Mr HOA even rallied his Karen groupies to rise up against an opposition candidate and release the the persons personal information and address! Yes Mr HOA has no bounds in what he will do. He proudly harassed a canvasser for another candidate and posted his video on Youtube.
And Mr HOA isn't even running in this election!! One can only imagine the lengths he would go to if he was up for election.
Life is also tougher for renters too as Mr HOA seeks to reduce the number of renters because they "bring down property values". Many renters have been forced out. Here's another video of a landlord being harassed for helper his renter get a gate access sticker.
After Mr. HOA moved in, he quality of life for most residents has deteriorated (unless you are one of the lucky Karen groupies - including one Darren). People are routinely locked out of the pool or cannot get their gate access in a timely manner. One renter couldn't access the gate for almost a year.
Mr. HOA claims "he will not be muzzled" but he and his little band of Karen groupies obsessively monitor, social media and forums (such as this one) for any post they do not like and deactivate "fake accounts and fake news" (sound familiar ?) even though the laws protect free speech).
Not surprisingly, Mr. HOA has earned quite a reputation among the police, judges and city hall and yet blatantly ignores their warnings. Mr HOA loves lawsuits (hmmm maybe we wouldn't have so many legal fees) and regularly threatens to sue people. He has claimed to the police that he has unlimited funds (home over money) for lawsuits.
So dear readers if you love tons of cameras, tons of fees, tons of violations, and being monitored 24/7 then this is your neighborhood. Just know what you are getting into when you move here because I wouldn't wish this HOA on anyone.
P.S. Administrator - he will try to remove this review and retaliate because that is the kind of person he is. He scours the internet all day (because he has no job) to find anything that he doesn't like and reports it. He controls everything.
Yes, it's VERY strange...their community needs to really band together to figure out how to get this situated. It's basically like this guy is using his community as his own empire; even having cameras everywhere that feed into his personal devices.Seems like you live in a communist HOA that is run and controlled by a dictator and his cronies. The guy needs to be reminded that "North"wood Estates is located in America which is a free country and not in some communist country where he can act like a dictator and harass and violate the residents right of privacy like this!![]()