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[quote author="reason" date=1244554356][quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1244272534]"Believe it or not... I'm walking on air... never thought I could feel so free-ee-ee!"

Knight Rider, A-Team, Hulk, $6mil Man, Bionic Woman... even Little House on the Prairie.

TV was my 3rd parent.</blockquote>

What about Battlestar Galactica? :-)</blockquote>

Or Buck Rogers?!

Erin Gray, 'nuff said:

<img src="" alt="" />
Back to David Carradine, it appears now he hung himself while trying to improve his orgasm.


Would you rather be remembered that way, or would you rather be <a href="">Elvis Presley</a> who died on the toilet from a drug overdose and fell into a pile of his own puke?
If I were to name all the TV shows that parented me in my younger days... zovall would run out of hard disk space on his server.

As for Carradine... still not sure if it was even an accidental suicide... the whole thing seems fishy... Kill Bill indeed.