<p>In the middle Florida Keys, there we 8, count'em 8 sales in the last month or so. This is roughly equivalent to zero.</p>
<p>There are 4 real estate law firms serving this area. That's 2 closings apiece.</p>
<p>The Keys has been appreciating outrageously for years. But, we thought, there was a reason. Some 5-10 years ago, the Monroe County, where the Fla keys are, severely limited bldg permits. For the very good reasons that too many people would ruin the ecology for everybody, and the Keys couldn't be evacuated in the case of hurricane.</p>
<p>Limit the supply and the price goes up. Makes sense, right?</p>
<p>Well, if you can't sell in the Keys, you can't sell anywhere in south Florida.</p>
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