New communities in Portola Springs

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
If you look at the 2010 Collection some of them were rehashes of previous ones (forgot which builders).

This happens a lot in Irvine... Harvard Square has the same plans as Oak Creek... Westpark has matching models as Woodbridge... etc.

The biggest overlap is TIC owned builders... but those are usually box on box with small variations.
The one I can remember for sure that was a repeat was La Casella in Woodbury. It was a copy of the tract in Northwood II (Northwood Estates).
Hmm wasn't expecting that, but a CalPac/Irvine Company collab for the 1741298147th time makes sense. I wonder if they will change what finishes come standard in the homes since they use different finishes than IP.
I'm slightly interested in Azul Plan 3, but I have two concerns.

1. Cal Pac anticipates starting price at mid $2M, which is for Plan 1. IP sold Plan 3 for $2.4M. This would be very bad news.
2. Cal Pac would probably swap out the Wolf/Sub-Zero appliances/built-in fridge to what they're using for Sierra.
I'm slightly interested in Azul Plan 3, but I have two concerns.

1. Cal Pac anticipates starting price at mid $2M, which is for Plan 1. IP sold Plan 3 for $2.4M. This would be very bad news.
2. Cal Pac would probably swap out the Wolf/Sub-Zero appliances/built-in fridge to what they're using for Sierra.
May I ask where did you get info that their starting price is mid 2?
So, according to Mina, PS communities will go to the following builders:

Fiore - Cal Pac
Arbor - Shea Homes
Olivewood - The New Home Company
Azul - Cal Pac
Cielo - Shea Homes

Olivewood should be opening mid to end of November. Supposedly, Arbor should have similar schedule, but I don't see anything on Shea's website.
Today was Azul's grand opening. 6 homes were released, 3 of which are view lots. View lot premium is about $300k, since 1st floor is partially blocked and only 2nd floor has the view.


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Plans 2, 3, and 4, all have a loft. What I like is that these 3 plans also allow you to choose a huge shower only in master bath instead of shower + useless tub. 😂
If you choose that, make sure you look at whether there are other changes. We have that option (love it) but it changed the length of the sink counters (longer) which changed the configuration of the cabinets (removed drawers!!!!! which we had to pay an upgrade fee to get back), changed the window AND it moved the toilet area so the door was facing another way AND actually reduced the size of the closet and it wasn't cheap either........ remove the freestanding stupid useless tub which in this case would have been hard to get in and out of and extended the shower and then we had to pay an even high price for the tile since it was bigger.

My other place got the freestanding tub upgrade (spec home) which changed the shower to a smaller shower, shortened the sink area and again took some closet away for that tub. I wasn't happy with that but my daughter lives there now and they LOVE the tub. (they had the same model without that imo stupid useless tub...... lol). My neighbor across the street actually picked that "useless tub" and they also love it. Her hubby who is 6 1/2 feet tall uses it every day but in that case the tub is easy to get in and out of. Go figure.

Will that shower accomodate someone with a walker or rolling chair (no step, wide entrance)? If you can get that, it's worth it.

300K for the view? WOW! But when u go to sell u got that view and Martin says should pay u back.
CalPac cut the broker coop from $55k offered by iPac to $22k.
So there are six houses right and they won't be ready until June (maybe later) and three have a partial view. If inflation keeps on keeping on someone can just put down a deposit, sit on their other funds and most likely these houses will be up 3%+ by June. Since there are so many people in the OC, Irvine isn't manufacturing more land, one could just sit on that lot and break even by the time it's built, assuming 5% commission and interest on the money waiting to buy it. Anything over that (or if they are a realtor and can reduce selling costs) it's most likely a money maker, why should they keep their broker co op up?
why are these builders being so cheap about having a bathroom for each bedroom? At the 2m+ price point I don’t see why they are doing this as the cost that is being saved per home is fractional.
300K for the view? WOW! But when u go to sell u got that view and Martin says should pay u back.
$300k for the view is pretty "cheap". Consider this: Olivewood is charging $900k for the view, but Olivewood is quite a bit higher up, so their view is much nicer. Also, OH is charging $1.5M to $2M for the view. 😂

Actually, it's "only" $300k because it's partial view. Otherwise, it would also be around $1M for both Azul and Cielo since those are city view.