I went for a site tour of my Bluffs today, so I got the price sheets for Bluffs and Highland. All the homes are RESERVED or SOLD.
The prices of Highland 1 are pretty insane. Not sure why sites 149 and 152 are so much higher than 153 since their lots are exactly the same. The only thing I can think of is that sites 153 and 148 were released earlier as half phase, since 149/152 are even higher (by quite a bit) than 148 that is Plan 2.
Bluffs lady said that she's working on upcoming phase and that she can't give me concrete pricing yet, but did tell me what Bluffs 1 is going to be $1.64M and Bluffs 2X is going to be $1.88M. That's about $40k increase for Bluffs 1 and $70k increase for Bluffs 2 from current phase.