NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
For all you NPR junkies out there, I thought the IHB should have our own thread?

Check out this week's This American Life <a href="http://www.thisamericanlife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?episode=377">Scenes From a Recession</a> This is an especially excellent episode. Act-1 sounds like the housing nightmare of nightmares! Act-2 has an brief Irvine connection (wait a few days for the stream or download).

I hope a lot of you contributed to the <a href="http://www.scpr.org/">KPCC</a> pledge drive this past week, I'm doing my job in spreading the good word...

I think Irvine has an especially high amount of NPR listeners; just about one in every ten callers from the various listeners call-in programs states that they are from Irvine.
Here are my favority NPR shows in order:


This American Life

Morning Edition

All Things Consider

The World

Day to Day (I miss it so much, anyone else?)

Larry Mantel

Pat Morrisson

Wait Wait Don't Tell Me

Weekend Edition

Car Talk

Prairie Home Companion

Yes, I get almost ALL my news from NPR...
I love NPR but I never forget to "check in" with the nuts at FOX news just to get a sense of what the brainwashing machine is focusing on this week. I ended up thoroughly confused many times when my conservative friends tried to tell me the "big news" of the week (and how the world was going to end because of it) and there was no mention of it on NPR or any other news network. They think I'm crazy when I don't know what they are talking about and just can't seem to understand the bubble they are living in when they receive their "news" only from this source. I wish NPR would do a weekly segment to focus on these crazy stories just so the rest of the sane world has some idea of the nutty ideas being pawned off on the rest of the country.
I have to say that at heart I am a right-winged conservative; but yeah, listening to Frank Pastore every afternoon was just emotionally draining. He always invoke that fight or flight response; I either felt helpless or angry and helpless. The world does seem to be coming to an end every afternoon. Yeah, I can see how NPR is a little left of center; they are not all unbiased; but it?s sure a lot more entertaining. I appreciate balanced points of views, and my mind is usually made up before the story anyways but I like hearing the other side. I don't watch much FOX, I don't even have a TV actually, there are enough Christian radio out there...
<a href="http://www.irvine.org/about-us/history">The MAN</a> that started it all... I always hear KPCC mention the James Irvine Foundation, just checked it out. I guess they are a huge underwriter...
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1238380541]I heart KCRW. I miss the old Morning Becomes Ecclectic.</blockquote>

What is the difference? I only tune into KCRW to catch any shows I missed on KPCC... I used to like their evening music; do they still have Jason Bently? The Drop?
Nic Harcourt quit in December. Massive bummer.

<a href="http://www.kcrw.com/people/music/programs/mb/harcourt_nic?role=music_host">http://www.kcrw.com/people/music/programs/mb/harcourt_nic?role=music_host</a>

KPCC's news programs rock the house, but they make me edgy and irritable. Morning Becomes Eclectic makes me happy. The format was wide open, you never knew what you were going to hear next.
I like KCRW's own program, To the Point, hosted by Warren Ulney. He also hosts "Which Way LA" at 7:00 pm, which sometimes discusses issues that are of broader interest than just LA. Based on what you said you like about NPR, you would probably very much like the to the point program.

<a href="http://www.kcrw.com/news/programs/tp">To the Point</a>

I also like their weekend food program, Good Food. They start off in the Farmer's market with what's just come into season. I can't recall ever hearing Left, Right and Center on KPCC, but that's a great program too.
Warren is a world class reporter.

I think my favorite non-news NPR weekend program <a href="http://splendidtable.publicradio.org/">The Splendid Table.</a>. In all fairness, there are so many good programs on NPR it?s hard to single out one I really don?t like.
[quote author="stepping_up" date=1238537770]I like KCRW's own program, To the Point, hosted by Warren Ulney. He also hosts "Which Way LA" at 7:00 pm, which sometimes discusses issues that are of broader interest than just LA. Based on what you said you like about NPR, you would probably very much like the to the point program.

<a href="http://www.kcrw.com/news/programs/tp">To the Point</a>

I also like their weekend food program, Good Food. They start off in the Farmer's market with what's just come into season. I can't recall ever hearing Left, Right and Center on KPCC, but that's a great program too.</blockquote>

I do like splendid table, a similar show Good Food on KPCC is similar...

Off Ramp more about LA happenings...
Anybody going to the This American Life <a href="http://www.thislife.org/About_TALLive.aspx">Live Show!</a> We went last year at the Block; they simul-cast a live show to movie theatres across the country...
Had a chance to get caught up on this past weekend?s <a href="http://www.thisamericanlife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?episode=380">TAL</a>; another great report on the current mortgage crisis. The story follow why even though it is in everyone?s best interest to modify loans for struggling owners; the banks are only modifying about 1 in 10 loans thus prolonging the recovery.

By the reasons given in the article, I think the banks, enabled by the government are going to drag the recovery; and from several comments, the bottom will take a lot longer than predicted to come.
[quote author="roundcorners" date=1242816530]Had a chance to get caught up on this past weekend?s <a href="http://www.thisamericanlife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?episode=380">TAL</a>; another great report on the current mortgage crisis. The story follow why even though it is in everyone?s best interest to modify loans for struggling owners; the banks are only modifying about 1 in 10 loans thus prolonging the recovery....</blockquote>

I really liked the story. I was disappointed, though, that they didn't mention how many of those 10 weren't even trying for loan mods.
Another great episode of This American Life; this is by the way a required coarse material of the IHB curriculum.

In the ongoing series of reporting on the economic crisis; the <a href="http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/">Planet Money</a> team on NPR reports this week on the <a href="http://www.thisamericanlife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?episode=382">Watchmen</a>, the federal regulars & credit rating agencies who were responsible for the mess. Broadcast on the radio 89.3 tomorrow (Sunday) at 6pm; or stream or download on Monday.

Again this is required listening (homework); come to class prepared for discussions. Don?t make me call on you. BTW it is one only hour, I had it on the background today while I squeezed 35 oranges and sliced one pineapple?
a lot of great radio this morning...

<a href="http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2009/11/24/pm-asia-bubbles-q/">Weak dollar may fuel bubbles</a> - great article on how the weak dollar fuels asset bubbles around the world..

<a href="http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120809303">Bones In House Probably Not From Any Crime </a>- human remains found during open house...

<a href="http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120696816">In Japan, 'Herbivore' Boys Subvert Ideas Of Manhood</a> - how sad...