Thank you for your kind words, not only to me, but to the rest of the contributors to the blog/forums. I am just a very small portion of the greatness of this blog/forums, and I am thankful, that zovall and IR asked me to be a part of it. I wish I had the time to contribute to the blog more, but I don't, and I really do not know how IR does it. It really is amazing, knowing about his life, that he has the time to do the well thought out posts that he does. If you are as anal retentive as me, then taking the time to do a blog post takes some time. I have been saying for 6 months, or more, about doing a post on the foreclosures.
I understand the cyclical part of the business, as well as your business. I witnessed the tech bubble burst in the bay area, and it wasn't pretty. Fighting with someone for a $10 an hour job at Kinkos, who would have been your boss a year before, was no fun. If you lived there during that time, you knew who had been laid off by the pink drink. Anyone who was drinking a pink drink, meant they had been laid off, and when you walked into the Red Room, and everyone had a pink drink but Willie Brown, then you knew it was bad. I agree, either make your talents stand out, or have a niche that is needed. I am actually working on that, and it is one of the reasons why I am posting less. The issue is, the expansion of my talents, have been rejected, or thought of as just academic nuttery. Shiller has been working on the tracking of, and hedging of, real estate since well before the last bust. I believe these bubbles can be prevented, and one day, I hope I can help understand and prevent this from happening again. It all goes back to <a href="">Kahneman and Tversky's paper on prospect theory</a>. I learned a lot about myself from that paper, and I want to take it to the next level. This is one of the reasons why I am not posting as much.
I also agree, adding more to the forums would help. However, I have added a <a href="">thread on jobs</a>, a great <a href="">article on Dr. Karl Case</a> (who has worked closely with Shiller), a great and abundant <a href="">read on monetary policy</a>, an <a href="">anti-behavioral econ book</a>, the <a href="">Fed's credit crisis</a>, oh... and <a href="">the jobs again</a>. But, I have received few comments, if any, and not a single one from the bulls. Maybe, people feel it is over their head, or they just ignore it, but I do not care. I would rather have a discussion about it, whether I learn from it, help someone understand it, or just have a decent convo about it. But, I am lucky to get great comments from the regulars, but not the newbies.
I will also disagree with you... the recession has already begun here in OC. There is a lag, between when it happens, and when it officially gets declared. However, if you look at the job numbers like I do, then OC has been in a recession starting in Q3. But, I will agree with you, it has much to do with Greenspan