My point is to get to the jail, they are likely exiting the 405 / 5 fwy and driving through / around the spectrum area and the business park and thus never passing by Baker Ranch (as well as what will eventually be the outside limits of the great park). To get back to where they are going, they will get back on the freeway and thus the neighborhoods they pass on the way to / from visit would probably be more likely to be Irvine (and again, never visiting Baker Ranch).Roger said:when was the last time you heard of lanfill site leaking or explode? and when was the last time you heard an inmate escape from jail? :-\Bullsback said:The question is, is that person visiting more likely to head towards foothill and the tollroad or more likely to turn around and go on a jaunt around the marine base / spectrum area on their way back to the fwy? I would hypothesize the spectrum / five points once that is all built out. All theory and even then chance of anything major is probably relatively remote under most scenarios. And chance of jail break and then murder spree likely as minimal. And again, if it were to happen, just as likely it would be on the Irvine side vs. Baker Ranch / Foothill side.Roger said:You are right about what's being worst - but we are talking about probability of the event actually occurs. What's the probability of a lanfill leak/explode(?) v.s. the probability of a friend of inmate deciding it's a good idea to take some souvenir along in the neighborhood after the visit? I think the later bears a much greater chance of happening.
I would think that an inmate escaping from jail or visitor decided to do something fun would be the nbd closest to jail... and which nbd is closest to jail? or are you telling me that they will travel an additional distance and bypassing the nearest nbd they see along the route? doesn't make any sense to me.
Now if they take the tollroad to / from, different story (as they'd pass Baker Ranch en route to prison and en route back to where they came from), but I would presume most visitors come from the freeway. And while prison breaks happen, I can't think of one time I've seen or read anything major happening from musick and to be frank if a big prison break happened, you'd be worried if you were on the east side of Irvine just as you'd be in Baker Ranch but even then, I presume most of the fear would be muted by fact that you aren't talking about a prison full of murders / violent criminals (I don't think...maybe I'm wrong and their are some violent criminals in their, I don't know).