Music Seeping Thru Attached Condo Walls: WTF !

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The California Court Company said:
Told you willow is a bad buy. There are no other 4 story monstrosity in Irvine except Central Park west
Now you add poor quality from kb, in the moonie village Portola springs, adjacent to a toll road and priced like a 2 story attached condo. It has all the negative things you can say about a house which is a rarity

Well, the day it rents out for what i am paying for my mortgage (after my 20% down), it will be an investment property and then i don't care about it and buy my SFR in 3 years
The California Court Company said:
Told you willow is a bad buy. There are no other 4 story monstrosity in Irvine except Central Park west
Now you add poor quality from kb, in the moonie village Portola springs, adjacent to a toll road and priced like a 2 story attached condo. It has all the negative things you can say about a house which is a rarity

Add it's far away from the school.

Cornflakes said:
I bet most people won't mind loud sex next door with those thin walls. It's kinda entertaining...

Last complex that I lived in there were two loud ones...  Some lady who lived near the pool would get her brains f'd out with her window open during the day.  It's kinda strange hearing it when you are hanging out with your kids Saturday afternoon at the pool. 

Then there was another near where I parked who did the same, but at night.  It's kinda hot, but I but at some point it would get annoying if you lived right next to her. 

IMO, both these situations, the women wanted everyone to hear it.
Fwhy Wyce said:
I'm going to tell you a legit solution that when i was young, we used to do this for the automotive sound system industry.  We used something called 'Dynamat' and what it does is that it prevents most range of frequencies from penetrating further.  It's typically used for a lot of cars that are running subwoofers in a lot of competitions where they want to dampen the noise from traveling and keep it contained in a trunk because the sound, when it travels causes other vehicle parts to resonate and vibrate.  Dynamat prevents that and makes the sound better.

The company also makes the material for home-use.

You'll have to rip over your dry wall to apply this. The material is designed to absorb sound (vibrations in the air).  The plus side now is that you could now turn up your music in the room and not worry about disturbing your neighbor since you're both protecting each other. 


This is the 1st most helpful constructive response :)

1. Thanks man, i am going to request the SFR home builder to apply it in.

2. Or i will have to get an estimate on how much will it cost to do this at the condo i am living in at + have to get HOA permission etc.

3. If #2 isn't viable and worth the $10-15k hit, i would just focus on getting #1 or even if i don't get the #1 option in a brand new SFR in next 3 years, i think the SFR in itself should be good enough to hold on to the vibrations or may be the distance b/w neighbors and me can have the whole bass dissipate itself, correct me if i am wrong, because even if that doesn't solve the deal, then i am way better off getting this product installed in all of the walls of the condo and the future house.
