sleepy5136 said:
I heard the 2006-2009 home prices were at record highs. So how much would a 3bed/bath 1500-2000 sqft be if it was 2007 now? 1.5m? 2m?
Which month? 2007 in March was a lot lower than 2007 in Sept.
I remember another 3/2 1400sf in the central Costa Mesa neighborhood. Open house, just on the market. We were 20 couples deep in the line outside waiting to tour as we it was tertiary stop for us and it was about noon.
Once we got inside it was a mediocre flip grade iand the kitchen counter was covered in agent cards and the attendant proudly announce they already had twenty offers so write your best one.
I think it was listed at $590K. Today if fixed up, probably worth $800k? It was an SFR. Keep in mind, a ?real? mortgage was 6.8%. Giving you a PiTA of $3600. You?re PITA today is a lower.
That again though isn?t really the point. Today, if you go to a new builder or even most open houses, the listed price may be smoking weed, but in general it?s on the playing field.
The houses then, weren?t. There was no playing field. The price was listed for a get 100+ buyers through and collect 20 offers, or off the charts and they just waiting for the market to walk to them in the next three months. If it wasn?t in escrow in 36 hours it was because the sellers were asking too much and not even the nobody cares could get the appraisers to fudge the comps enough to float the loan and they just waited for the comps to catch up.
Trying to figure out an offer had nothing to do it?s the value of the house and only to do with how much were you willing to give up to get it because everybody else was bidding with Monopoly money.
And you?d walk in with your agent the day before listing and the seller already has a half dozen sight unseen cash flipper offers. They rarely panned out for the seller but filled their heads with visions sugar plums dancing to fatten their bank account.