More Housing Bubble Humor

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ok, I can see the image here....not sure why you can't. I'm whispering with Nude to try and figure out how to fix it. OK, so this Mac is tricky.......I'm still learning how to use it, sorry for delay.
ok, that's good....not sure why you can't see the new one, I can ! It's hysterical.....a little pr0nographic, but good. Still working on it. I might switch to my PC and repost it.
Trooper, If I copy and paste the image url into my browser, I receive an error stating I'm no longer logged into AOL.
<img height="480" alt="MILF Realtors" width="640" src="" />

<p>Okay, got it. Btw, nice thumbs up there on the end.</p>


<p> </p>
Hey! I posted it from my PC this Cut and paste the link on adam's last post. Thats the pic. (can anyone post this thing for me???)
<p>Must be some sort of hotlink protection because the image will load fine from local cache, but won't load directly from a hyperlink or a refresh. </p>