[quote author="IACRenter"]
[quote author="miesian"]
I am afraid to tell you you may have to start packing then.
The neighbors did not put up much resistance when they found out "detached homes" are being proposed at the site. These 2 magic words IMO veiled the fact that this will be a walled enclave with ONE access alley into it.
A large swath of Great Lawn will become solid wall starting in front of Woodbury elementary. The Wall wraps the block of Regal/ Winding Way/ Great Lawn/ Twin Gables. All proposed 66 Montecito type houses will turn their backs on Woodbury behind a block wall in the heart of the community. No front yards/ landscape-just asphalt drive courts inside. Pear Tree Garden is eliminated. This is contrary to every other existing Woodbury home with direct front door/ yard connection along the street along with proximity to a pocket park.
Maybe most people just don't care about this, and I am being neurotic. Are there any other concerned Woodbury residents out there beyond Roundcorners? Is it worth it to bring it up to the neighbors again? <!-- s


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This project is pure greed and a BIG F-YOU from TIC to all current WB owners. It shows they could care less about the original master plan for WB, including pockets parks and front doors with access to the side streets, and community aesthetics.
I am starting to have very low expectations for future PS, OH, and LC developments. Stonegate which is supposed to be a lower end neighborhood and possibly WB South/Planning Area 40 will probably be even worse.[/quote]
miesian... do you sit on the HOA board, or something? How were you invited to this meeting, and no one else knows about this? Don't they have to send letters to all the neighbors, and post signs? I've read some of these minutes from the meetings... seems like they have to vote on just about everything from painting the curbs, parking signs & piss areas for you dogs; I'm sure more people will protest if they get wind of this...
Most families in WB are just too busy working paying off the mortgage, staying afloat and feeding the babies every month to care... they get into their cars, speeding off early to work every morning; come home and close their garage doors fast behind them; you hardly EVER get to meet them, cause they are just EXHAUSTED with the pace of life, just to keep up with their financed, to care about who is building what; and/or they can't read English that well...
this just proves it... just because you buy in Irvine, it doesn't guarantee you have full control over what your neighbor does; and mark my word, this WILL bring down property values all around the area...
this all said, from a WB renter, I walk the neighborhood EVERYDAY and I actually care/appreciate the thoughts process behind every tree, house & path... IAC-Renter is right this is a HUGE F-U to the people who initially invested in the master-plan...