Midterm Elections

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Perspective said:
Happiness said:
Perspective said:
What's the difference between living in abject poverty with little to no income, and travelling in abject poverty with little to no income? Not much. The latter comes with the potential of improving a miserable life. Plenty find it worth the risk and effort.

If you want to speculate as to whether some person or group could be funding the caravan, you should start with the questions: Who would do this? Why? How would they benefit?

The migrant lawsuit is funded by Nexus Services, a private bail bond company serving those in immigration detention. 5,000 new customers, there's your motive.

So, Trump is gaslighting us when he suggests it's Soros?

Trump said he would not be surprised if Soros is funding the cravan, not the lawsuit.

These companies in the business of incarcerated illegals need them to keep coming while encouraging the govt to lock them up. Seems like a contradictory business model.

Trump said last night, in the middle of complaining about Dems, "Do you see what they're doing to our people? Do you see it? It's terrible."

Who's "they"? What are "they" doing? Who are "our people"?

Would be fun to ask attendees what they "heard" in these comments.
You have to get out and vote for Republicans on Tuesday because they are the only ones who will protect health coverage for pre-existing conditions!
Liar Loan said:
eyephone said:
Famous author Stephen King twitter account: The ads say President Trump is delivering results. He's also delivering hate speech, a pack of lies, and a national debt that's going to crush our grandchildren.

Has anybody ever read Stephen King's novels? 

Prolific use of the n-word, misogyny galore, child orgies.  This guy is not qualified to criticize others' speech.

Not qualified to talk about the soaring deficit?
Perspective said:
Liar Loan said:

If I understand your ad hominem correctly, I need to seek help because I'm able to identify Trump's lies and mock them. Hmm, exactly what kind of help is needed?

There's the old Perspective! ~ Bringing up logical fallacies.

The problem, as I see it, is having known you a number of years online, there is the hinged Perspective of 3+ years ago that used to make grounded, centrist arguments that, although I found them a bit wishy-washy at times, were based on logic, a belief in civility, and abhorrence of extremism (on both sides).

Unfortunately, ever since it became clear that Trump was going to win the (R) nomination in late 2015, you have transformed into the guy whose arguments are anti-logic, and instead rely on an over-the-top emotional-visceral reaction to everything remotely Trump- or gun- or bigotry- related.  You no longer worry about logical fallacies committed by others and instead engage in them yourself in nearly every post you make.

So, for instance, Maxine Waters has a history of bailing out her husband's bank with taxpayer funds.  That kind of shows she's not a good steward of finances on multiple levels.  She also more recently called for violence against Republicans, then tried to back away by saying what she said didn't mean what it meant.  She also routinely calls for Trump's impeachment with no evidence of an impeachable offense being committed.  She's not really a quality politician, you know?  So in my mind that means she's open for criticism.

Your position seems to be that because she's black, she should be immune from criticism.  Isn't that patronizing?  You also say that Reps are racists, but you yourself are a Republican that has presumably backed many of the same people that you now deem to be racist.  Isn't that a straight self-pwn?  I mean you did misidentify the MAGA-bomber as a fat, old, white dude, so there is some kind of racism in your soul, but the old you would have tried to rise above it and hold yourself to a higher standard.  So what happened?
eyephone said:
Liar Loan said:
eyephone said:
Famous author Stephen King twitter account: The ads say President Trump is delivering results. He's also delivering hate speech, a pack of lies, and a national debt that's going to crush our grandchildren.

Has anybody ever read Stephen King's novels? 

Prolific use of the n-word, misogyny galore, child orgies.  This guy is not qualified to criticize others' speech.

Not qualified to talk about the soaring deficit?

Not really.  This is a guy that peddles in fantasy.