Merry Christmas

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Great thread.

It's hard to single members out because I do think there are many people here who offer great advice, are funny, are insightful and are very knowledgeable but don't post as often as some of us.

So I encourage all of them to post more.

I'll just bust a "pay it backward" and let SoCal know that I am also in admiration of her mom skills. I grew up in a dual income family and being a dual income family, it must be great for your family to have a mom who has so much time and energy to give to them. I do wish that Mrs. IHO could do that, but Irvine is so expensive and I'm not a 1%er baller like Homer or Qwerty. I'm sure many of us are jealous of the food you cook even though we tease you about it. I encourage you to embrace electricity and all the technological magic it comes with. Also, ask Alexa if she thinks a Mini is better than an Echo Dot.

To all you parents out there, I'm not a perfect dad, maybe not even a great one, but I try. Sometimes I do right, many times I fail. But what I encourage any parent to do is to be moderate. We expect a lot from our kids but as much as pressure creates diamonds, it can break things if not applied properly. There are pros and cons to being a Tiger Mom or a Lavar Dad but in the end, just make sure your kids know you love them for them and not what they can or cannot do.

And I know I've started a thread about this before, but whether you believe in a God or not, I hope that all of you find that source of hope and encouragement that you need.
irvinehomeowner said:
I do wish that Mrs. IHO could do that, but Irvine is so expensive and I'm not a 1%er baller like Homer or Qwerty.

I don't want to hijack the thread, but dude why don't you move if Irvine is holding you back?  There are plenty of nice areas with 3CWG's for less money.
Liar Loan said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I do wish that Mrs. IHO could do that, but Irvine is so expensive and I'm not a 1%er baller like Homer or Qwerty.

I don't want to hijack the thread, but dude why don't you move if Irvine is holding you back?  There are plenty of nice areas with 3CWG's for less money.

To quote an old IHB meme from AZDave:

"For the children!"

It's not just Irvine, the nice (and "safe") places in Orange County are pretty much within the same money range... and you always want to live close to where you work.

We almost bit in Tustin Ranch, looked at Aliso Viejo (too far) and even Mission Viejo... but location, location, location. :)
Thanks for the kind words SoCal.  I really do enjoy helping folks out whether they use my services or not, I just like to pay it forward and earn good karma brownie points.  In a way, TI has been and will continue to be a part of my life as I've worked with so many great folks and can be call several of my clients my friends.
irvinehomeowner said:
Liar Loan said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I do wish that Mrs. IHO could do that, but Irvine is so expensive and I'm not a 1%er baller like Homer or Qwerty.

I don't want to hijack the thread, but dude why don't you move if Irvine is holding you back?  There are plenty of nice areas with 3CWG's for less money.

To quote an old IHB meme from AZDave:

"For the children!"

It's not just Irvine, the nice (and "safe") places in Orange County are pretty much within the same money range... and you always want to live close to where you work.

We almost bit in Tustin Ranch, looked at Aliso Viejo (too far) and even Mission Viejo... but location, location, location. :)

Hey hey hey...and what's wrong with Tustin Ranch???  :P
Just read your message Socal, I'm still around, not as active.  The live chat thing never took off.. but I'm actually occupied by my stupid addiction to a phone star wars game.  I went full nerd.  lol
Heh... gonna revive the thread because 'tis the season.

Happy holidays to everyone for what you celebrate and may 2021 be much better.

There is another thread around here about which gifts I believe IrvineRealtor would give members and I got this guy in our TI Secret Santa pool so let's see if anyone can guess based on the gifts I got him:



Merry Christmas Everyone. I really need to change my username since i'm not in my 30s anymore (nor even last year)

Work has kept me busy, along with kids and all that.

I'll try to post here more often as I love SoCal and I credit the original IHB forums for having a significant impact in my life. I could have bought a one bedroom crapshack in 2007 or something and instead I was able to buy a nice little townhouse in Irvine in 2009, that served me well for 10 years and helped me build a decent chunk of equity.

Now i'm living large in Baker Ranch of course (with the help of Martin!) with my spiral staircase and 20+ foot setback (which is not large, but compared to the irvine lots I've seen in the last ten years, feels luxurious!).

I'll keep dreaming about Shady Canyon or maybe Emerson for later in life, and i'll keep talking smack on Eastwood Village, and I'll keep posting recommendations for sushi and steak or other good options for when I'm able to go out and enjoy life.
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