Melody at Beacon Park

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Someone please educate me....what is the main difference between a Detach Condo (w/ driveway) vs a Single Family Detach? Is it because of a motor court so you are closer in distance to your neighbors?
Irvinian81 said:
Someone please educate me....what is the main difference between a Detach Condo (w/ driveway) vs a Single Family Detach? Is it because of a motor court so you are closer in distance to your neighbors?
Having a detached condo typically means you own the house but not the property that surrounds it.
thelandofnoland said:
Irvinian81 said:
Someone please educate me....what is the main difference between a Detach Condo (w/ driveway) vs a Single Family Detach? Is it because of a motor court so you are closer in distance to your neighbors?

That's actually a really good question. I didn't even know really until Terrazza.

Typically, a detached condo will not own the land its sitting on and surrounded by. However, Terrazza does have individual lots separated by distinct lot lines. The City of Irvine, if I'm right, defines a detached condo by setback, not by lot ownership.

There's lengthy discussion on this topic in this thread  Saratoga (Terraza's twin in Stonggate), Condo or Single family?

And thelandofnoland is right, City of Irvine defines it by setback.

A single family resident need to meet zoning standard of minimum 10 feet setback at rear yard, 5 feet at side, and 15 feet from the street.  If the residential property does not completely meet these basic SFR setback requirements, the builder will just simply called the project a condo/detach condo and apply the appropriate building permit for it.  Whether a house is a true SFR or a detach condo, how builder market it and how home buyer perceives it, that's another story.

If Crowford in Greenwood are going to be build in Irvine, it probably will be called detach condo on the building permit due to no rear setback.  Not sure exactly how Crowford is actually classified since it's in City of Tustin.

Detached condos on motorcourt with driveways. Lots average 65x60

Plan 1 (2321 sqft)

Plan 2 (2407 sqft)

Plan 3 (2678 sqft)

Plan 4 (2774 sqft)
Here are the Melody lots:


Only two deep each side on the shared driveway.  Backyards will be smaller than Welton except for the choice lots on Newington.  Lots 106 and 104 are decent too since only two houses share the driveway.  If you're this close to purchasing a true SFH with individual lots, why buy here?
Saw this, the owners of one of the models trying to rent it out for $5.8k/mo:
capboba said:
aquabliss said:

hmm wonder was up with that 972k in Nov 2015.

I'm also pretty sure this was the one being used as an AirBnb through all this time.

Wonder how much it'll end up going for. 1.1 seems pushing it.

Personally never did like Melody plan 1 because of how little windows downstairs living room/kitchen has.

Well I was unsure but those close ups of the faucets and stairway lighting had me sold.