so in columbus square i have the R2 and R5, the R2 annual payment right now is at 4,400 and the R5 is at 2,200. i called the numbers on the tax bill on the way in to work this morning.
For the R2, there is a prepayment provision, the interest rate is currently set at 4.5% but increases to 6% by 2037, they didnt give me the specific increases per year in the interest rate. So based on my calculations i can pay anywhere from $55K to $65K to pay off the bond. Not sure what kind of value i add to the house by paying off the bond, in theory it would be the 55-65K but not sure i would get that all back if i sold. at 4.5%, i would have to generate a return of 7.5% to essentially break even. it costs $150 for an analyst to calculate a payoff amount and it takes 4-6 weeks to receive the payoff info. Also, once R2 is paid off in 2037 they can not extend it.
For the R5, the guy was not as helpful. he didnt now the interest rate, the main thing is that there is no individual homeowner payoff provision on this this, so cant pay it off even if you want to. he said the school district would have to add this provision, i asked what the chances of that happening are and he said they have not added an individual homeowner payoff provision to R3 and R4 so that it would be unlikely that R5 would get this provision.