Martial arts recommendation for kids?

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Anyone have great recommendations on martial arts for kids particularly younger girls?  No I don?t think it will really teach them how to fight.  More self confidence building and anti-bullying.  I yelped a place called Kid Power Martial Arts, in Tustin.  It is taught by a female.  Anyone heard of it?
Hi shadyoc,

I am not sure where you live so that might make a difference in regards to what is convenient.  We live in Pavilion Park (Great Park) and our 4 kids (3 boys, 1 girl) have been going to the Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu off of Sand Canyon Blvd. and have been very happy.  We have 2 neighbors on our street who also have kids in this school. They have trial classes you can take to see if you like it but there are a lot of girls of all ages in the school.  If you have more questions feel free to PM me.  If this is too far, there are Brazilian Jiu Jitsu schools near Tustin as well.
Karate for all maybe a good match. Less emphasis on the actual fighting techniques, more emphasis on the confidence building, anti-bullying, socialization. Tustin and MV locations.
With all kids activities...I think you have to let the kid's personality dictate.  BJJ is great but it's not for everyone (or every kid) 

The more traditional MA (Karate and TKD) are basically a lot of jumping around, especially for younger kids.  Don't expect them to learn any actual MA skills until they are older.  The classes are also super crowded.

I would just find something that is easy for you to take him/her and see how the kid reacts.
All the options mentioned above TKD, Karate, BJJ, etc... are just various parents experiences and what worked for their kids.  I don't think anyone is suggesting that one particular style or location will address the needs of all kids.

We looked at all the above before deciding so I think if your kid hates karate, tkd, or bjj you may want them to try something else.  But I think most parents take into account that kids have to like it to continue it. 

There are a lot of factors on what activity is suitable for a particular kid at a particular location.  You may like how the instructor is at one school but not another.  Some schools may be very meticulous in keeping it clean others not so much.  Your child may click with the group of kids at one school but not another so definitely explore the other facets of a school beyond just the type of martial art as it can make a big difference on their experience.
shadyoc said:
Anyone have great recommendations on martial arts for kids particularly younger girls?  No I don?t think it will really teach them how to fight.  More self confidence building and anti-bullying.  I yelped a place called Kid Power Martial Arts, in Tustin.  It is taught by a female.  Anyone heard of it?

For daughters, I think eventually you do want them to learn how to fight off potential assailants.  Olympic sports like Boxing, Taekwondo, Karate (added for 2020), Judo, and even Wrestling will help to some extent.

There is also the potential benefit that the sporting activity may help with college admissions.  For example, fencing has helped college admissions for Princeton, Yale, Brown, UCLA, Harvard, etc.  You'd need to do research as not all schools have martial arts teams.