[quote author="graceomalley"]My wife said am I crazy for posting til 3am for some mass lynching mobs that really have no appreciation for the knowledge that will unable them to make smart choices in their life. "I need to set my priority straight". She is right!
For the few who come to my rescue I appreciate that and it is you why I am here despite of the Irvine posse.
Even though I am unemployed just woke up from my morning nap in a shack my time is limited between freeway pan handling and blogging.
Since Monday a PM asking me to be involved with postings on another site. I have been contemplating how I should divide my time to become a jack of all trades or master of nothing.
For those that wish to read my informative and educational posts you are welcome to read them on the other site. You are the reason why I extended my stay here.
There is not a better time to exit any site and the members that I care for.
I am not leaving because I am afraid of the mob squad what my native country called as the "red guards".
I am not using my time wisely here arguing why I should send my daughter to schools with high rape and gang problems spoiled by a group of gang bangers while other good kids much less fortunate without resource having to attend a school where safety is emphasized before academic.
The other site needs me more than this site and my time would be much more productive there.
I wish you luck whichever site you wish to post on. I doubt you take any of this personally but in case you did, you shouldn't.
I am grateful for your many insightful posts on both IHB and TI. You have made great contributions as a poster.
But also like many brilliant minds, you are little rough around the edges when it comes to social interaction.
Overall you seem well intended but other times you push all the wrong buttons and get upset when people push back.
I may be wrong (hopefully I am), but you will find that other site boring and come back our way again when the time is right.
Best wishes on your internet journey. <!-- s


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