Looking for local retailers of Keystone canned meats

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I'm looking for local retailers that carry Keystone brand canned meats:https://keystonemeats.com/canned-meats/

Some of their 28 oz can products are avail via special order from Walmart (local store pickup) or Amazon, but the choice is limited and direct shipping from the cannery is very expensive.  I'm looking for local retailers that carry their products in our area.  Specifically I'm looking for cases of 14 oz cans with 5 year shelf life.
Have you checked Ralph's? Kroger is listed as one of the stores that carries their product. However, I know they're undergoing massive changes right now and completely overhauling their product lineups. I shop at Ralph's regularly and don't recall ever seeing this brand but I will look next time I'm there. In fact, I'm in the middle of making a grocery list right now so I will put it on there to remember to check.

My experience has been that whenever I buy canned cases of canned food on Amazon, they arrive largely unprotected and with many dented cans, which absolutely sucks. It's probably the manufacturer's problem and not Amazon's. But all they do is keep it in the cardboard tray, shrink-wrap it, and slap a label on it. When they arrive all bashed up, you then have to check all of them and hope the denting didn't cause the suction to break in the can, else risk using spoiled food. But ordering on Amazon has been my last resort after the stores have failed at making good on special orders. So frustrating, I know, Momo. I have this one recipe I like to make that is a mid-century casserole where it only works with Bookbinder's Seafood Bisque, which used to be in all the stores around here for decades up until 10-15 years ago. I'm stuck in time (Amish, as Iho would say) and regularly make old fashioned dishes like this. So I have to go through this process of placing an order and crossing my fingers every year, waiting for a case of soup to come via Amazon. It's not cheap either, so it's a real pain if you keep what's good and toss the cans that took the brunt of the abuse.
If you order from Walmart for local pick-up, you can inspect the cans for damage before accepting the shipment.  However Walmart only carries a limited selection of what I want.  Local supermarkets here don't carry the product either.

Specially, I want to order the 14 oz cans (not 28 oz) by the case.  But the cannery charges $88 for the 24-pack case and $41 shipping to my house, so the shipping is way too expensive.

Since both myself and my wife are pre-diabetic, we cannot rely too much on carbs for our emergency stock which has too much canned rice, barley, etc.  So I'm looking to buy a few cases of canned meats and rotate the stock through weekly use.  Keystone's canned meats have 5 year shelf life and is considered superior in quality and taste to others.

The 14 oz smaller cans are perfect, I can use the whole can for meal prep with no leftovers.  I plan to use 1-2 cases per year (24-48 cans) in rotation, so with 5 year shelf life I would be comfortable with stocking ~8 cases (in theory).

But first I need to purchase some samples and make sure they don't taste like cat food.
Happiness said:
momopi said:
Specially, I want to order the 14 oz cans (not 28 oz) by the case.  But the cannery charges $88 for the 24-pack case and $41 shipping to my house, so the shipping is way too expensive.

That's about how much good dog food costs. Which you can apparently eat:http://www.ozy.com/true-story/i-did-it-6-days-of-eating-dog-food/36846

Oh! Actually, one of the first shocking things I encountered after moving to CA was visiting a neighbor's house and watching their kids eat dog biscuits.  They would give their dog treats then eat from the same box.
Here's the walmart links:

Scroll down for the other meat selections.  They carry the chicken, pork, beef, ground beef, and turkey 28 oz cans only.  Prices (other than  beef) are the same at $6.28/can or $75.36 for 12.  The cannery sells 12 cans for $75.  If you order from Walmart you can pick up locally and save on shipping.

The problem is that walmart doesn't carry the 14 oz cans.  It's in their system but has been out of stock for some time:https://www.walmart.com/ip/Keystone-All-Natural-Chicken-14-5-oz/22309256

I think 28 oz is too much.  If I open one I would probably need to freeze half of it for use later.  So preferably I want to buy the 14 oz cans.  The smaller cans are also easier to store in sealed PVC pipes for underground supply cache.  Just remember to tape a P-38/P-51 can opener to the can.
Wait, do you have your own food dehydrator? How about making your own jerky? And then use one of those food vacs to seal it. Much better value than buying jerky.
eyephone said:
Regular dog food is not good enough?

No, they contain too much carbs (we are pre-diabetic) and I want real chicken breast for my chicken salad.  I plan to rotate through the stock through weekly use.

SoCal said:
Momo, what about canned tuna, canned chicken, or maybe some no bean chili?

I am looking specifically for Keystone canned chicken.  They don't carry canned Tuna so I will get those from Costco.

I do not own a dehydrator, though I could dry certain foods in my solar oven.  The canned food with 5 year shelf life is more ideal for my needs.  I can bury them in sealed PVC pipes for supply cache, and since they are pre-cooked I can just open and eat them as needed.

Okay, Momo. I just got back from doing the grocery shopping and I looked for your meat. No Keystone. But would this work? Zero carb. I turned the can around so you can see the label. (Bad pic. I had a hard time resizing the photo to fit into this post.) It's not 14 oz. but it's 10... a reasonable serving size. They have pork and chicken. The price is not bad.


momopi said:
Just remember to tape a P-38/P-51 can opener to the can.

I learned this trick to survive with canned food but no opener: You turn it upside down and rub it back and forth briskly on a rough surface (pavement, asphalt). The lid gets sheared off at the rim. Voila!
SoCal said:
Okay, Momo. I just got back from doing the grocery shopping and I looked for your meat. No Keystone. But would this work? Zero carb. I turned the can around so you can see the label. (Bad pic. I had a hard time resizing the photo to fit into this post.) It's not 14 oz. but it's 10... a reasonable serving size. They have pork and chicken. The price is not bad.


Hi SoCal,

Thank you!  Yes these are doable as well.  Most only have 3 year "best use by" shelf life so I'd need to rotate them sooner.

When properly stored they should last longer.  I have read reports that Costco's Kirkland canned chicken, and Sam's club's copycat "Members Mark" canned chicken are still good 2-3 years after the best use by date in Florida weather.  The reason why I wanted Keystone brand is because their product is considered even superior for longevity, though it's probably better to eat fresher products than older.