Location for Baby Shower - need input from Irvine residents

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Aqua Bliss_IHB

New member
My wife is hosting a baby shower for a friend and we are looking for a venue in Irvine for about 30-40 people that is not a restaurant or a banquet room, but more of like an IAC apartment clubhouse, where they have a sink, couches, chairs, TV, etc - more of a comfortable setting. I used to live in Anacapa but no more so can't rent that one.

I currently live in Woodbury but the clubhouses in the IAC apartments around Woodbury can only be rented by residents of those apartments, which I am not nor do I know anyone who is.

Can anyone suggest a venue with a setting similar to the one I mentioned? Can be in or around Irvine area.

[quote author="Aqua Bliss" date=1257414801]My wife is hosting a baby shower for a friend and we are looking for a venue in Irvine for about 30-40 people that is not a restaurant or a banquet room, but more of like an IAC apartment clubhouse, where they have a sink, couches, chairs, TV, etc - more of a comfortable setting. I used to live in Anacapa but no more so can't rent that one.

I currently live in Woodbury but the clubhouses in the IAC apartments around Woodbury can only be rented by residents of those apartments, which I am not nor do I know anyone who is.

Can anyone suggest a venue with a setting similar to the one I mentioned? Can be in or around Irvine area.


I can't help with the location but I can share many decorating ideas if your wife is interested.

P.S. Diaper cakes are my specialty.
I don't know about you, but if my daughter diaper turn into a cake, it means that I left it wet for too long.

Seriously, will some of the community park buildings be a good alternative? I don't know how to get reservations, but I do see people use them for various events thur out the year.
Hey everyone thanks for the responses, much appreciated.

Sunshine I will take you up on any input you can give for decorating idea's for sure, we've never thrown a baby shower before. Not sure if you were being sarcastic about the diaper cake :)

We actually live in Woodbury and while we like the location of the Woodbury rental facilities in the commons, the thing is they just give you an empty room and then you can rent cheap tables and metal chairs but it looks pretty tacky. What we are looking for is something more like a relaxing clubhouse style.

For example, go here and look at the 5th picture of the clubhouse (also I've attached the image)...


this is the kind of atmosphere we are looking for. Unfortunately Woodbury Apt's will not let us use their facilities unless we are renters there. Which doesn't make sense to me because Woodbury Apt. owners can use the pool and tennis facilities that I pay HOA for as a Woodbury resident, but I can't even pay extra to use theirs (sigh)....

If anyone knows any rooms like this available, please let me know - thanks again!
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Nope, not being sarcastic. Basically, you roll up a diaper or two, secure it/them with a rubber band, and repeat, many times. You tightly stack them vertically next to each other to shape them into a circular cake layer. Once you have enough to create the base, tightly wrap with ribbon, and then glue the ribbon ends together. Then, you stuff more rolled diapers in that layer to fill it out. You would repeat the previous steps for as many cake layers as you want. Then, you pick up things to decorate the top of the cake (rattles, booties, stuffed animals, toys, etc...) and you can decorate the face of each layer (such as to conceal the glued ribbon edges on each layer). For this, I buy various items, such as painted wood items from Michael's (e.g., ducks, trains, puppy dogs, etc...). To save time and money, I may buy round styrophone (or a more environmentally friendly material) the next time I make a diaper cake to "fill" the middle of each layer, with the thought that rolled diapers will only be needed around the edge.

I have many pics, but they're all on my cell phone. If I can figure out a way to get the pics from my phone to my computer, I'll post them. I can't seem to get an internet connection with the phone and it doesn't look like there is a way to plug it into my computer.
Wow that looks really cool - thanks guys for the input I think we will try to make our own Diaper Cake.... Now if I only had a venue to put it :)
Aqua... that pic you posted is of our Club house, in Woodbury Court... which day would you like, I'll reserve it for you... can't help you out with the price though.. I think it's around $50/hour... PM me come by our place and we'll talk to the the leasing office together... BTW be sure to save some balloons for me... the kid and I always pick up left-over balloons from the various get-togethers... our apt, always has a fresh batch of balloons to play with...

one more thing... we had some great get-togethers at the various gated parks around Woodbury... Pepper Tree, and I think Coral Tree Park comes to mind... I know it's getting a bit cooler now, but it's FREE.... the tables, outdoor fireplaces, benches, out door sectionals make it quite homey... your FOB will work, but I think the ratio of residence to guest 1 to 8 or 10? If you have more than 3 residences then it's pretty much unlimited guests... YES the security patrol does check FOB keys... (I sure feel safer now...)