Local Golf Courses

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i'm looking for some good 9 and 18 hole courses in the OC area. (Affordable, not fancy)

Anyone have any recommendations? I've been going to Lake Forest Golf and Practice Center, it's a real quick 9-holer for 11 bucks.
Give me a preferred price range and I'll have plenty of suggestions for you. My husband usually spends his time at the least expensive courses around which obviously aren't the best. You kind of get what you pay for, but I'll tell you what I know based on how much you want to pay.
Best budget course in OC = San Clemente Golf Course

You can also play super twilight rate for under $50 at Oak Creek, Tijeras Creek, Arroyo Trabuco, but you probably won't get 18 holes in.
[quote author="Shooby" date=1257920402]9 hole- 10 - 20 bucks

18 hole- 20-40 bucks


That's a pretty low budget, so we'll stick to the courses my husband plays regularly. With a cart you can play Riverview in Santa Ana and Willowick in Santa Ana for about $35. Walking price is only about $25 for 18 holes. I think they are around $15 if you want to play only 9 holes. I don't think it gets much cheaper anywhere in OC. David L. Baker in Fountain Valley is a 18 hole executive course (short) for somewhere around $25 for 18 holes, it's short so walking is a good option. Many more options of course, but then you are talking $60-$235 for a round of 18. Twilight rates are obviously best but that can be tough now that it is beginning to get dark at 5:00.
[quote author="Shooby" date=1257920402]9 hole- 10 - 20 bucks

18 hole- 20-40 bucks


<a href="http://www.golfland.com/">Camelot </a>miniature golf. :cheese:
Yeah, my tenants are moving out. Property taxes are coming up. Times are tough, gotta be economical. Otherwise I'd blow $75-$100 on an 18 hole no problem.
You can check here --

<a href="http://www.best-price.com/productsearch/search/q/golf+rates/s/google/altk/Golf+Golf?gclid=CJjI1u_1gZ4CFSDxDAodL3n1qA">http://www.best-price.com/productsearch/search/q/golf+rates/s/google/altk/Golf+Golf?gclid=CJjI1u_1gZ4CFSDxDAodL3n1qA</a>
David L Baker in Mile Square Park used to be cheap. It is an executive course.

I used to golf alot and I got this card

<a href="http://www.americangolf.com/membership/soca/">membership card</a>

The big savings for me was the early twilight becuase it gives you twilight rates an hour early.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1257925569][quote author="Shooby" date=1257920402]9 hole- 10 - 20 bucks

18 hole- 20-40 bucks


<a href="http://www.golfland.com/">Camelot </a>miniature golf. :cheese:</blockquote>

That place was great - many mini golf courses, lots of fun. Not in the greatest part of town though (industrial park) - but was fine when we went during the daytime.
<a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUS246&=&q=newport golf course&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl">Newport Beach Golf Course</a> I have heard that it's not as expensive as it sounds... found the <a href="http://www.npbgolf.com/green_fees.htm">prices</a>... 9-holes, after 3pm, $11, let me know if you need another person...
[quote author="roundcorners" date=1258026201]<a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUS246&=&q=newport golf course&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl">Newport Beach Golf Course</a> I have heard that it's not as expensive as it sounds... found the <a href="http://www.npbgolf.com/green_fees.htm">prices</a>... 9-holes, after 3pm, $11, let me know if you need another person...</blockquote>

Ooh, golfing in the dark, sounds great! Actually, I guess the holes you get in before 5 are worth $11. Pretty good deal.
Aliso Creek is really beautiful and really fun (especially for those of us who can't drive very far). David Baker seems to be packed with kids of all ages. My son takes golf lessons there every Saturday. I don't think I've seen a group in the past few weeks that didn't have a kid between the age of 7-17 in it. If you are one of the people here on the IHB that doesn't like seeing kids out and about, I'd stay away. Lots of dads and grandpas golfing with their kids.