I haven't been down to Maricopa for awhile but last week was informed of Phase 3 release and was asked to rank my top 3 out of the 8 that is available. I declined to purchase and told them I will wait for future phases. There were no mention of additional incentives besides the broker co-op confirmed by USC (I didn't ask about the Trellis, even if it was included it would not be enough to get off the fence for me). Here are the prices for phase 3:
Plan 1 at $789,400 (two at this price)
Plan 2 at $891,400 (one at this price due to ~$25K lot premium)
Plan 2 at $869,900 (one at this price)
Plan 3 at $933,400 (three at this price)
Plan 3 at $932,400 (one at this price)
and to compare here are the prices from phase 2, which I thought I posted but this thread is becoming to big to look for things:
Plan 1 at $788,700 (x2)
Plan 2 at $867,700 (x1)
Plan 2 at $868,700 (x1)
Plan 3 at $990,700 (lot premium)
Plan 3 at $965,700 (x1)
Plan 3 at $967,700 (x1)
So Plan 3's have dropped $30-35K from release. Hopefully they will give the same adjustment to Plan 2's. Don't think they will touch the Plan 1 pricing since it seems to sell out quick every phase. So iPAC here's what you need to do to get me to buy: price drop (I'm not greedy $30K will do), landscaping (c'mon that narrow strip of land you call a backyard is not going to cost that much, gotta have something nice to go with my free Trellis), cover my escrow costs with a nice chunk of closing credit and enough to buy down my loan to pre-Oct'11 rates since we will be closing well after, cover my HOA for a year (this should be easy, $1200 is not that much), include upgrades (no not tiles nor backsplashes, need something substantial, kitchen cabinets, flooring, appliances, etc.), and cover my property tax for a year (including MR). Now I may be dreaming but I'm holding out strong till I achieve it. Some of the lots I'm interested in now are towards the end of the phase releases so hopefully by then the well of buyers will run dry and I'll have some fun with this.