Laguna Beach files lawsuit against county to stop 108-acre development near GP

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
whoa whoa hold the phone here.  Isn't this plot of land the county was going to put the tent city on because Irvine wouldn't let them develop her so it was the OC "screw you" to city of Irvine.

Now magically the county abandon the tent city and months after all the hype died down the county is going to develop here?  I'm pretty sure I called this in some previous post.
What isn't clear to me is why Laguna Beach is suing and not Irvine.  What interest would Laguna Beach have in GP land development?
I can't read the OCRegister article but the Laguna Beach Indy news site reports concern for traffic:

"A significant portion of the project?s traffic will travel the streets and highways within Laguna Beach,? Laguna?s attorneys wrote. ?Other project impacts as well will be exported to Laguna Beach, contributing significant cumulative impacts that adversely affect [the city.]?

Looks like Laguna is leaning on a previous measure W where "Orange County voters agreed to scrap the idea of building an international airport on the former marine base and instead dedicate its 4,700 acres to educational, recreation, habitat and compatible uses." Laguna must not feel building  2,100 dwelling units, 220,000 square feet of retail space, nearly 1.9 million square feet of office space, and a 242-room hotel qualifies as educational or recreational.

I read OC Register for free, and when I hit the max limits, I start to use a different browser. their logic thinks different browser is a different visit.  just a tip. on my iphone i usually read from facebook links, and when i run out, switch to safari, and then chrome. I am also cheap so dont listen to me.

Maserson said:
I can't read the OCRegister article but the Laguna Beach Indy news site reports concern for traffic:

"A significant portion of the project?s traffic will travel the streets and highways within Laguna Beach,? Laguna?s attorneys wrote. ?Other project impacts as well will be exported to Laguna Beach, contributing significant cumulative impacts that adversely affect [the city.]?

Looks like Laguna is leaning on a previous measure W where "Orange County voters agreed to scrap the idea of building an international airport on the former marine base and instead dedicate its 4,700 acres to educational, recreation, habitat and compatible uses." Laguna must not feel building  2,100 dwelling units, 220,000 square feet of retail space, nearly 1.9 million square feet of office space, and a 242-room hotel qualifies as educational or recreational.
I can sympathize w Laguna Beach . Traffic on that road is Just insane as it is . Or maybe it was the summer

Many new communities think ?east access to Laguna Beach? as a feature.  But there is only one way in and out and it is not a 4 lane highway.

fortune11 said:
I can sympathize w Laguna Beach . Traffic on that road is Just insane as it is . Or maybe it was the summer

Many new communities think ?east access to Laguna Beach? as a feature.  But there is only one way in and out and it is not a 4 lane highway.

i worked in laguna for years and it's a mess, especially in the summer and any time an art exhibit or festival is in town
What isn't clear to me is why Laguna Beach is suing and not Irvine.  What interest would Laguna Beach have in GP land development?

That's exactly my point.  Irvine isn't going to sue because behind closed doors they traded this to the county for not putting the tent city here. 
aquabliss said:
What isn't clear to me is why Laguna Beach is suing and not Irvine.  What interest would Laguna Beach have in GP land development?

That's exactly my point.  Irvine isn't going to sue because behind closed doors they traded this to the county for not putting the tent city here.

So more homes, more shops, more cars. What's the difference? Ahh, not done by TIC or Fivepoints, so the money flow into different coffers.

That they will let not let happen. Another round of endless suing.....MAGA.