Laguna Altura is HOT!

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Since you can only define what is "better" for yourself and not others, money is a better indicator when gauging universal appeal.
If someone wants to buy IKEA furniture and pretend it's better than Room & Board, then it's better.
If someone wants to eat In-N-Out and say it's better than Mastros, then it's better.

Money aggregates everyone's bullshit opinion.  It's the only pure way to say what is better.
zubs said:
Since you can only define what is "better" for yourself and not others, money is a better indicator when gauging universal appeal.
If someone wants to buy IKEA furniture and pretend it's better than Room & Board, then it's better.
If someone wants to eat In-N-Out and say it's better than Mastros, then it's better.

Money aggregates everyone's bullshit opinion.  It's the only pure way to say what is better.

Again, hard to argue but I'm sure opensky will try.
I'm with OS that I don't see tangible reasons why LA is valued as it currently is, considering the floorplans are clones of Stonegate and the 'hood has fewer amenities.

But I do understand that Irvine real estate is largely based on non-fundamentals (which I tried to explain to IndieDev back in the day). So what makes sense functionally, doesn't track financially.

The only real pros I can see for LagAlt are elevation, isolation (gated), and proximity to the Spectrum (medical, professionals), 405 and Laguna Beach.
irvinehomeowner said:
The only real pros I can see for LagAlt are elevation, isolation (gated), and proximity to the Spectrum (medical, professionals), 405 and Laguna Beach.

But like zubs and I have been saying. Only they buyers there can determine what they value. The reasons you mention above may be valued more by the buyers there than pocket parks, community pools and clubhouses.
I don't know if you guys noticed, the condominiums (Sienna and San Remo neighborhoods) in Laguna Altura are priced at $500 psf on average, and are taking a longer time to sell. There are quite a number on the MLS right now; I believe 5-8 listings to date. Some of which have been languishing in the market for 2+ months or longer.

The Chinese FCB, in particular, with money will likely choose a Toscana or Cortona (single-family) home, or wait out for Hidden Canyon when it's up for sale.

No, I understand that there has to be a group over valuing it... that's the "non-fundamental" reasons I mentioned.

And regardless of what it is, it is *over* valued because even the Turtles and the Quail aren't that ridiculous.
irvinehomeowner said:

No, I understand that there has to be a group over valuing it... that's the "non-fundamental" reasons I mentioned.

And regardless of what it is, it is *over* valued because even the Turtles and the Quail aren't that ridiculous.

I agree with u on over valued, but I think that applies to all of irvine. It doesn't matter if the QH or the turtles aren't as high. In your mind QH and the turtles should be higher, but that's based on what you value. The buyers at LA value something about LA more than they value QH or the turtles.
qwerty said:
It doesn't matter if the QH or the turtles aren't as high. In your mind QH and the turtles should be higher, but that's based on what you value. The buyers at LA value something about LA more than they value QH or the turtles.
I didn't use QH and TRs as an example because *I* value them more (although I do value QH and TRock more), I named them because they are the only other hoods in Irvine that share qualities with LA, elevation, south of 405, proximity to coast and gated (in the case of TRidge).

I think it's just the newness of it because those named areas have enough advantages over LA that it doesn't warrant the current disparity in prices (although there are some high close prices going on in the other areas too).

And like jamboreedude said, it's not all of LA getting these crazy prices, the detached condos are more in line with what QH product is selling for.
I think that LA appeals to buyers due to the community being guard-gated, not having too many single-family homes, and Uni High. I think having a guard is a big factor. All perception.
I guess being a CPA does not make a good economist.

It is all about supply and demand. There are not tens of thounsands of homes built south of 405 -> supply is very limited.

More people find that freeway convenience + Uni High + secluded + guarded gate out weigh freeway pollution and noise and lack of amenities -> demand is also very high.

Low supply plus healthy demand makes LA being priced so high.

Columbus Grove? supply is not as limited as LA but the demand is definitely weaker because people don't associate it with Irvine.
The California Court Company said:
I guess being a CPA does not make a good economist.

It is all about supply and demand. There are not tens of thounsands of homes built south of 405 -> supply is very limited.

More people find that freeway convenience + Uni High + secluded + guarded gate out weigh freeway pollution and noise and lack of amenities -> demand is also very high.

Low supply plus healthy demand makes LA being priced so high.

Columbus Grove? supply is not as limited as LA but the demand is definitely weaker because people don't associate it with Irvine.

Forget the UniHigh part. LA will be going to school with the non-coastal canyon hoi polloi.
The California Court Company said:
I guess being a CPA does not make a good economist.

It is all about supply and demand. There are not tens of thounsands of homes built south of 405 -> supply is very limited.

More people find that freeway convenience + Uni High + secluded + guarded gate out weigh freeway pollution and noise and lack of amenities -> demand is also very high.

Low supply plus healthy demand makes LA being priced so high.

Columbus Grove? supply is not as limited as LA but the demand is definitely weaker because people don't associate it with Irvine.

its helpful when you understand what is actually being discussed.

i understand the demand, what we are discussing is why the demand exists - you and OS dont/cant/wont acknowledge even the possibility that anyone may find Laguna Altura more desirable than say woodbury/northpark, etc.  that is what is idiotic. i keep on saying how personal tastes are just that, and clearly the demand at LA must be driven by some sort of believe of desirability buy the buyers there. But OS refuses to acknowledge that.

the problem is it is difficult to isolate and quantify the demand by itself, while the supply is so much easier to account for by simply counting the number of homes built. A CPA should be able to count things.

From supply point of view, LA and SG are at the closest point  when new homes were being released and built (on average 6 homes released every release). Of course the price difference was a factor, but SG homes were selling at much faster pace than LA homes, especially the detached condos. One could argue the demand for LA homes was less than SG when the supply was about equal.

Unfortunately some buyers equate $ to desirability and ignore the fundamentals.
