LA Unified schools closed today due to "credible threat"

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morekaos said:
They saw the same data and came to the correct conclusion. Look around. Two Manhattan beach schools closed bc threats, college in San Bernardino still closed due to threats. Pranksters have our burocrats jumping around like a feeding cat next to a cucumber.  We look like fools.

Fill in the blanks for me:

"Better_____ than _________ "

No doubt it's trauma for 600k kids and their parents. Sure beats being on the wrong side of a "It's a hoax" decision.

My .02c
Again, this goes to the competence of our government officials. Smart government looks at a set of data and makes the right decision. Fools, don't  vet the same data properly and come to a foolish conclusion that cost the taxpayers millions.
morekaos said:
Again, this goes to the competence of our government officials. Smart government looks at a set of data and makes the right decision. Fools, don't  vet the same data properly and come to a foolish conclusion that cost the taxpayers millions.
Better safe than sorry is a pretty easy decision for officials to come to because it doesn't cost them anything.  This is especially true in this case because Ray Cortinez retires in two weeks.  For us taxpayers though.....
Sorry, but I tend to believe Bill Bratton more than Ramon Cortinez in this situation.

If Cortinez and company had asked the FBI to review the threat like NYC did, the FBI would have told them the same thing the FBI told NYC, that the threat was not credible.  There seems to be some controversy about whether LAUSD consulted with the FBI before they made their drastic decision.  If LAUSD did not consult the FBI, that is bad.  If LAUSD did consult the FBI and rejected the FBI's assessment, that is even worse.  This is a clear case of edubureaucrats believing they know better than people with actual experience with terrorism.  This is not surprising because edubureaucrats generally believe they know everything.
This is a lose lose for a leader as people will play the result. If there is no bomb they are idiots for thinking there was one and shutting down the schools. If they don't shut down the schools then a bomb goes off they are idiots for not taking the threat seriously.
Yes, that's true if this were a credible threat. If they had taken  the other cities did...they would have found that the threat originated at some hoax website, well known for these types of pranks.  The truth is instead of making our kids safe (as they love to say today) they are making them less safe. Now ISIS is openly mocking how jittery they have made us and every Ferris Bueler is gonna phone in a bomb threat any time they wants to take Sloane out for lunch. This is a disaster.
Oh that's the kick, they had it from 10pm. Yet Ramon says he didn't get notified until 5AM, and at that time apparently they still didn't have a clue.

So they're looking really bad. And points to total BS on the CYA news conference where some minion was fronting decisions had to be made in minutes.

More like 8 hours...

Happiness said:
Well, you know what's going to happen the next time an LAUSD student didn't study for finals and didn't want to take the test.
We used to joke about this stuff when I was in school.  Call in a bomb threat, or pull a fire alarm.  Just jokes.  You would hear an urban legend now and then, but no one actually did it as far as I know.  Unfortunately, kids have poor judgement regarding consequences. 

Growing up in Hawaii, I was so jealous when I learned what a "snow day" was.  Now kids in the midwest can envy the city kids' "bomb days".
What got me is the fact that Ramon Cortines, the superintendent of LAUSD is 82 years old. You have got a school district with 1100+ schools and 700K+ students, and the best person you can put up as a Superintendent is a twice retired 82 year old man who shows up at a press conference wearing a yellow hat. Any decision that comes out of that office is suspect.
morekaos said:
Again, this goes to the competence of our government officials. Smart government looks at a set of data and makes the right decision. Fools, don't  vet the same data properly and come to a foolish conclusion that cost the taxpayers millions.

I was more surprised by the number of people on the radio this morning claiming that this was the right decision to be made ...
irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:
Smart government
Jumbo shrimp.
Tiny elephant.


So you are implying that the government is actually being smart about this? That's quite the change of heart!  ;D You probably mean contradiction. An oxymoron is something that sounds contradictory but actually isn't.