La Bomba

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Again - this is what happens when you don?t read past the drudge or Breitbart headline

Eye phone is correct . This ugly character is so far right he thinks trump is not racist enough

Shooter was clearly a virulent anti-semite of long standing. But what appears to have triggered his rampage is exactly THIS conspiracy theory, that Soros and Jews are funding/directing the caravan. This same theory was pushed by Lou Dobbs on FoxBiz News not 12 hrs later.

So leave ?both sideism? out of this tragedy which clearly emanates from the hateful seeds republicans and Fox News have been sowing for years now.
I thought Trump was an anti Semite? At least that?s what they all said he was...

Bowers revealed on social media that he did not vote for Donald Trump, ?nor have I owned, worn or even touched a maga hat?.
He also wrote: ?Trump is a globalist, not a nationalist.
?There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*** [slur for a Jewish person] infestation. #Qanon is here to get patriot that were against martial in the 90?s to be the ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp.
?But go ahead and keep saying you are #Winning.?
Alt right.

morekaos said:
I thought Trump was an anti Semite? At least that?s what they all said he was...

Bowers revealed on social media that he did not vote for Donald Trump, ?nor have I owned, worn or even touched a maga hat?.
He also wrote: ?Trump is a globalist, not a nationalist.
?There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*** [slur for a Jewish person] infestation. #Qanon is here to get patriot that were against martial in the 90?s to be the ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp.
?But go ahead and keep saying you are #Winning.?
MAGA people have achieved what Einstein could not

Living in a parallel universe where you can (make) believe anything you want
morekaos said:
Dang it, He's a Trumpster nutjob.  The spin will be dizzying on all sides.  Get your barf bag ready!!

Trump-supporting, bodybuilding, Native American Florida strip-club worker is revealed as the 'MAGAbomber' who 'sent suspicious packages to 12 liberals'
Federal authorities arrested a suspect in the mail bombing spree on Friday in South Florida
The suspect is reportedly a male in his 50s who has a history of threatening judges
FBI discovered suspicious package addressed to Senator Cory Booker in Florida on Thursday night
Then a postal inspector intercepted another package to James Clapper in Manhattan Friday morning
The suspicious package was addressed to Clapper at headquarters of CNN, where he is a contributor
NYPD bomb squad's Total Containment Vessel responded to postal facility in Midtown to remove package
Discoveries mark the 11th and 12th suspicious packages targeting outspoken critics of President Trump
FBI warns the public to be on the lookout for similar packages and says there could be more bombs

See what I mean? Fascinating.
morekaos said:
morekaos said:
Dang it, He's a Trumpster nutjob.  The spin will be dizzying on all sides.  Get your barf bag ready!!

Trump-supporting, bodybuilding, Native American Florida strip-club worker is revealed as the 'MAGAbomber' who 'sent suspicious packages to 12 liberals'
Federal authorities arrested a suspect in the mail bombing spree on Friday in South Florida
The suspect is reportedly a male in his 50s who has a history of threatening judges
FBI discovered suspicious package addressed to Senator Cory Booker in Florida on Thursday night
Then a postal inspector intercepted another package to James Clapper in Manhattan Friday morning
The suspicious package was addressed to Clapper at headquarters of CNN, where he is a contributor
NYPD bomb squad's Total Containment Vessel responded to postal facility in Midtown to remove package
Discoveries mark the 11th and 12th suspicious packages targeting outspoken critics of President Trump
FBI warns the public to be on the lookout for similar packages and says there could be more bombs

See what I mean? Fascinating.

That?s not your first post in this thread.
morekaos said:
This topic is too fascinating so I think it needs its own thread.  Now, we know these were not made to explode, no detonators.  They were never meant to get into the hands of the victim addressee's, they had timers and not booby trap triggers. So, these are messages. (albeit insane) Sent by Whom?  Are we getting Van Dammed?

Were the bombs never supposed to explode? Investigators find MAGAbomber devices were not armed as they zero in on suspect in Florida after 10 devices were sent to liberals

Asking questions, defending no one and in fact calling whoever it was ?insane?, what?s your point?
The point that you previously made was to cast doubt on the packages sent to Democrats. They were not meant to explode was your comment.

Another conspiracy theory which is not appropriate.
Experts now agree, they were not, and in fact could not explode. My initial observation was correct.

A local bomb expert tells us he?s fairly confident that the bombs sent coast-to-coast are hoax devices, although still capable of doing very real damage.

Retired Capt. Kelly Mayer believes the bomber will be identified very soon.

Mayer retired after 23 years on the job as an FBI-certified bomb technician and firefighter.

?It?s disturbing, clearly someone has a political aim,? Mayer said. ?They have a grievance and they?re a dangerous person.?

But from the photos and X-rays that have been released so far, particularly with the one sent to CNN, he?s ?fairly confident that they?re hoax devices.?

That?s because the devices are missing two key components to make it a true explosive device: an external battery and an initiator to trigger the explosion.
That doesn?t mean jack crap. It?s a felony.

morekaos said:
Experts now agree, they were not, and in fact could not explode. My initial observation was correct.

A local bomb expert tells us he?s fairly confident that the bombs sent coast-to-coast are hoax devices, although still capable of doing very real damage.

Retired Capt. Kelly Mayer believes the bomber will be identified very soon.

Mayer retired after 23 years on the job as an FBI-certified bomb technician and firefighter.

?It?s disturbing, clearly someone has a political aim,? Mayer said. ?They have a grievance and they?re a dangerous person.?

But from the photos and X-rays that have been released so far, particularly with the one sent to CNN, he?s ?fairly confident that they?re hoax devices.?

That?s because the devices are missing two key components to make it a true explosive device: an external battery and an initiator to trigger the explosion.