kb home

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
My friends bought in Primrose back in October, and they've been having issues with mold/dampness, strong odors around their home, and something structural (I think).

KB has been to their home many times since November (when they moved in) to address these issues. KB doesn't have a good reputation, and I personally wouldn't buy from them. I know my friends are fed up and are becoming remorseful buyers.

Even though they aren't in Irvine, I've heard very good things about Shea and Shapell.
OKkid said:
My friends bought in Primrose back in October, and they've been having issues with mold/dampness, strong odors around their home, and something structural (I think).

KB has been to their home many times since November (when they moved in) to address these issues. KB doesn't have a good reputation, and I personally wouldn't buy from them. I know my friends are fed up and are becoming remorseful buyers.

Even though they aren't in Irvine, I've heard very good things about Shea and Shapell.

I have heard the same things about KB poor quality and good things about Shea and Shapell.  One interesting thing I read about Shapell is the founder is a WW2 concentration camp survivor and avoids any German or Japanese components to be used in the homes they build.  Not sure if it is true but that is what I have read somewhere.   