Just got my Wii Fit

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I'm starting my 30 day experiment. I'll let you know if I lose any weight or gain any muscle.

It's a lot easier working out using the Wii fit than walking 50 feet to my IAC gym. I'm soo lazy.
I'm on day 21, and have lost only 1 lbs. I admit that I started out at 156 lbs and didn't have a lot of fat to lose. And primarily, I've been concentrating on the strength exercises. Overall, I am stronger and can actually do double the amount of pushups than before. And on a good day, I *think* I can make out the beginnings of a 6 pack. I'll keep everyone posted. Maybe I'll even post a picture of my body. haha. just kidding... don't want to turn the ladies of IHB on. :P
[quote author="Trooper" date=1218971137]<img src="http://brad.sweat365.com/files/2007/12/real-six-pack-abs.jpg" alt="" />


Troop! I thought you ignored TenMagnet? How did you get that picture of him then?
Troop, where do you get those pictures?

Was that panda cat a painted cat? It was too

perfect. There are people who paint cats with

not toxic dye.

Even if you lost only 1 pound, you may have

changed 3-4 fat pounds to muscle. And muscle

weighs more, so you may have lost more fat than

you think.
LL, I just do a Google search for the pictures. For instance, for this particular one I typed in "six pack pic" and enter. Above the results is a link for "images". Click that and it brings you pages and pages of pictures that have some sort of relation to the word "six pack". Voila.

And I have no idea about the panda cat, I found it on Goog as well...there were no comments on it. It looks kind of fake to me....
[quote author="cantaloop" date=1218970818]I'm on day 21, and have lost only 1 lbs. I admit that I started out at 156 lbs and didn't have a lot of fat to lose. And primarily, I've been concentrating on the strength exercises. Overall, I am stronger and can actually do double the amount of pushups than before. And on a good day, I *think* I can make out the beginnings of a 6 pack. I'll keep everyone posted. Maybe I'll even post a picture of my body. haha. just kidding... don't want to turn the ladies of IHB on. :P</blockquote>

Hows it going??? Do you think it is working? I'm thinking about getting one at the end of this month for my brithday...Is it worth it?
Hello there!

Well I've used Wii Fit before, and it really doesn't work that fast. Is most like a mantenience than a loose weight rutine.

But, I also bought Dance Revolution... this DOES makes you loose weight, it even has a Work Out rutine, is like doing aerobics. I strongly recommend it! You can choose how many calories do you want to loose and it will keep on playing songs until you are there!

The first day all of your muscles will hurt, but then it gets better :)

If you decide to buy it please let me know.

we got DDR too. at first, i was absolutely against ever playing that game for no other reason than my only experience with the game is watching really annoying teenagers playing it at the theaters.

but yes, 10 minutes and i'm drenched. i only wish they had normal sounding covers of the songs in the game as opposed to techno-eurotrash-rave versions that sound like they were done by the group that did the barbiegirl song. ugh.
I haven't lost any weight. Some of the routines are still very challenging, and I'm improving in the strength categories. I agree that if you're looking for straight aerobics, then DDR might be better for you. Overall I will say that the Wii-fit does making out a little easier, but the gym is still the best choice.

I suppose that I should put in more than 30 minutes of Wii fit at a time. But, I get lazy and usually that enough before I want to walk over to the freezer and grab my tub of yogurt. ;)
[quote author="cantaloop" date=1220004326]I haven't lost any weight. Some of the routines are still very challenging, and I'm improving in the strength categories. I agree that if you're looking for straight aerobics, then DDR might be better for you. Overall I will say that the Wii-fit does making out a little easier, but the gym is still the best choice.

I suppose that I should put in more than 30 minutes of Wii fit at a time. But, I get lazy and usually that enough before I want to walk over to the freezer and grab my tub of yogurt. ;)</blockquote>

I get my work out just from hooking it up in sweat and all. I am in really bad shape.
[quote author="cantaloop" date=1220004326]I haven't lost any weight. Some of the routines are still very challenging, and I'm improving in the strength categories. I agree that if you're looking for straight aerobics, then DDR might be better for you. Overall I will say that the Wii-fit does making out a little easier, but the gym is still the best choice.

I suppose that I should put in more than 30 minutes of Wii fit at a time. But, I get lazy and usually that enough before I want to walk over to the freezer and grab my tub of yogurt. ;)</blockquote>

"the Wii-fit does making out a little easier"

OMG it has "making out" pratice!!! Ima get so good...
We just got a wii fit too...Not since the 2nd season of Dancing with the Stars have I loved and hated one single entity. On the one hand, it makes me feel like crap by telling me that my wii age is 50+(I'm 32) and on the other it's so addicting that I just spent almost an hour playing the silly thing. I'm embarrassed to say that I really struggled with the balance training...the soccer part was brutal!!! In addition to kicking balls at you that you're supposed to head bump back, it flings shoes (cleats no less!!!) and panda heads at you and subtracts points when you don't avoid them. It's really insulting to get thwacked in the head with a shoe! Then I started wondering if it was our IHB panda comin' at me. That actually helped me improve my ducking skills. Suffice it to say there was quite a bit of profanity throughout my wii workout tonight and yet strangely I can't wait until tomorrow to play again...between IHB and Wii, I just don't know when I'll be able to spend quality time with spousy!
[quote author="ohnelly" date=1225283814]...the soccer part was brutal!!!</blockquote>

Which is why I'm often found muttering "F#cking Pandas...." ;-P
I've lost about 4lbs. I do an hour session of hula, yoga and Wii sports boxing. However, my wife kicks my ass in Wii tennis. It's not the fact that I lost to my wife but what makes me sour is that she's 8 months pregnant and kicks my ass while she's sitting on the couch. I'll be losing much more weight when Punch Out releases for Wii.

<a href="http://www.gametrailers.com/player/40745.html">Wii Punch Out Trailer</a>

<img src="http://alchemistdefined.wiredotaku.com/images/punchoutwallpaper_SMALLbbs.jpg" alt="" />
The worst part of Wii Fit is the Mii. You personalize him and if youre on the er.. chubby side so is your Mii. You enter your height and weight and it adjusts the Mii accordingly.

Sad when your video game characters mock you.