Joe Briben and Kamala Whoriss

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he changed the word in the title
Remember. Being an A** does not give you the right to call people names. It just makes you look not that smart.

My theory: I think someone here is using the starman as a burner account. Because the title changed real quick after feedback by others. I did not see his sn or guest users on. (just saying)
Soylent Green Is People said:

I'm only commenting again in this thread because of your question. No. I do not support it. She's done terrible things throughout her career and continues to do so with the cheering on of the media, but that does not mean it's right to throw out names like that.

I've posted often substituting Trump with things line "the Cheeto Hitler", "the Golden Gollum", "the Rabid Orangutan", "the Short Fingered Vulgarian", and primarily as "The Tang Menace" - which in my view isn't a dual standard. Trump's been called worse by many. I've just picked out a few of the funny ones (IMHO) that were not as mean spirited as what the title thread here is. There were far harsher names for Trump thrown around by others over the past few years, but rarely that harsh by any supporters of the President.

My .02c and last post on this thread.

Thanks for clarifying. I know you somewhat support what Star thinks about some of what Kamala has done but I didn't think you agreed with the word usage.

And about Trump, I do think the names are funny as I also refer to him by his tint (is that racist?) but I don't think "Hitler" is very tasteful (similar to "whore").

Now go find that voter fraud evidence for me. :)
irvinehomeowner said:
Soylent Green Is People said:

I'm only commenting again in this thread because of your question. No. I do not support it. She's done terrible things throughout her career and continues to do so with the cheering on of the media, but that does not mean it's right to throw out names like that.

I've posted often substituting Trump with things line "the Cheeto Hitler", "the Golden Gollum", "the Rabid Orangutan", "the Short Fingered Vulgarian", and primarily as "The Tang Menace" - which in my view isn't a dual standard. Trump's been called worse by many. I've just picked out a few of the funny ones (IMHO) that were not as mean spirited as what the title thread here is. There were far harsher names for Trump thrown around by others over the past few years, but rarely that harsh by any supporters of the President.

My .02c and last post on this thread.

Thanks for clarifying. I know you somewhat support what Star thinks about some of what Kamala has done but I didn't think you agreed with the word usage.

And about Trump, I do think the names are funny as I also refer to him by his tint (is that racist?) but I don't think "Hitler" is very tasteful (similar to "whore").

Now go find that voter fraud evidence for me. :)

Calling trump an orange man because of the color of his skin that looks orange is a lot different than calling a female a h#. They are trying to normalize it, but when the term is used on them they do not like it.

So right before someone posted the title changed. (Just saying-hmm)
My burner theory might possibly be true. TBD
Mety said:
We're all YellowFever.

Hey... eyephone. Just for you, I'm kidding. 100%.

That is a joke. Nothing wrong with that.
But when people start dropping the h or s word to describe a person for no reason. Then that?s a problem.
Speaking of which @Mety - I hope you know I am joking around about stuff. Just to clear the air.
(However, we never called each other h. Maybe we should of, just kidding.)
We all are too busy or got better things to do to bicker with one another. HNY
If you read the old threads with you and I, it?s like two old guys arguing about trivial stuff at McDonalds. Lol
eyephone said:
Speaking of which @Mety - I hope you know I am joking around about stuff. Just to clear the air.
(However, we never called each other h. Maybe we should of, just kidding.)
We all are too busy or got better things to do to bicker with one another. HNY
If you read the old threads with you and I, it?s like two old guys arguing about trivial stuff at McDonalds. Lol

Eww you eat at McDonalds?

Just kidding I love Big Macs late night.
Cares said:
eyephone said:
Speaking of which @Mety - I hope you know I am joking around about stuff. Just to clear the air.
(However, we never called each other h. Maybe we should of, just kidding.)
We all are too busy or got better things to do to bicker with one another. HNY
If you read the old threads with you and I, it?s like two old guys arguing about trivial stuff at McDonalds. Lol

Eww you eat at McDonalds?

Just kidding I love Big Macs late night.

TBH I like the breakfast at Mc Donalds. (Egg McMuffin and maybe the hash brown)
Also, the coffee and McCafe is decent.
I haven?t been there in a while. (During covid and pre covid)
I voted for.....


  • ````I voted for.jpg
    ````I voted for.jpg
    92.1 KB · Views: 126
  • ``````Whoriss picked for sex and race, not ability.jpg
    ``````Whoriss picked for sex and race, not ability.jpg
    89.2 KB · Views: 122
The funny thing is this person gave us a lecture/speech how to raise our children.

Conclusion:How about you take your own course how to act and become a better person? Before you try to lecture us. Then Star call females h###. (It doesn?t make sense)
Who actually moderates this site? Don't you think the title of this post is inappropriate?

Wow, such clever trolling /golfclap
icey said:
Who actually moderates this site? Don't you think the title of this post is inappropriate?

Wow, such clever trolling /golfclap

Not sure. Just to let you know I already notified the moderator and nothing was done about it.
All you need is a female to sue for harassment and/or discrimination for that comment. That they don?t feel comfortable on the website. (Idk just saying) The moderator could of simply taken that post down or inappropriate content.
icey said:
Who actually moderates this site? Don't you think the title of this post is inappropriate?
Do you think that the messages posted by hateful thugs attacking me were "inappropriate"?
Why didn't you bring those up?  Oh, I know.  Because you're a Trump hater.
StarmanMBA said:
icey said:
Who actually moderates this site? Don't you think the title of this post is inappropriate?
Do you think that the messages posted by hateful thugs attacking me were "inappropriate"?
Why didn't you bring those up?  Oh, I know.  Because you're a Trump hater.

LOL Starman.
After all this time having a "holier than you attitude", you resort to what you accuse others of doing by being hateful.
So you're just one of us!...
one of us!
one of us!
one of us!

I'm glad we're all in this together.
zubs said:
LOL Starman.
After all this time having a "holier than you attitude", you resort to what you accuse others of doing by being hateful.
So you're just one of us!...
one of us!
one of us!
one of us!

I'm glad we're all in this together.

When Leftists can't come up with anything substantive, they trot out the "holier than thou" talking point.  Do you ever lecture your children?  "Holier than thou."
Do you condemn evil and stupidity?  "Holier than thou." 

Here's what you miss.  It's not about me. It's about the subject.  You hateful, angry Leftists always try to avoid the subject when it is exposing your moral bankruptcy.
LOL that.

Nor are we "all in this together."  YOU voted for Biden and the whore.  They're perfect representatives of you Democrats.  LOL that too, giggle boy.
StarmanMBA said:
zubs said:
LOL Starman.
After all this time having a "holier than you attitude", you resort to what you accuse others of doing by being hateful.
So you're just one of us!...
one of us!
one of us!
one of us!

I'm glad we're all in this together.

When Leftists can't come up with anything substantive, they trot out the "holier than thou" talking point.  Do you ever lecture your children?  "Holier than thou."
Do you condemn evil and stupidity?  "Holier than thou." 

Here's what you miss.  It's not about me. It's about the subject.  You hateful, angry Leftists always try to avoid the subject when it is exposing your moral bankruptcy.
LOL that.

Nor are we "all in this together."  YOU voted for Biden and the whore.  They're perfect representatives of you Democrats.  LOL that too, giggle boy.

What do you mean? You called a lady a hoe or a whore! Get the F out of here! We do not do that here.
StarmanMBA said:
zubs said:
LOL Starman.
After all this time having a "holier than you attitude", you resort to what you accuse others of doing by being hateful.
So you're just one of us!...
one of us!
one of us!
one of us!

I'm glad we're all in this together.

When Leftists can't come up with anything substantive, they trot out the "holier than thou" talking point.  Do you ever lecture your children?  "Holier than thou."
Do you condemn evil and stupidity?  "Holier than thou." 

Here's what you miss.  It's not about me. It's about the subject.  You hateful, angry Leftists always try to avoid the subject when it is exposing your moral bankruptcy.
LOL that.

Nor are we "all in this together."  YOU voted for Biden and the whore.  They're perfect representatives of you Democrats.  LOL that too, giggle boy.

SooOOOo delicious.  mmMMmmM .  Please don't stop.  Tell me what you really think...pls?  LOL