Jesus won't save you, but Xi wil

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WaPo's tagline is "Democracy Dies in Darkness" but when I click on their link I get... darkness.

Luckily, Breitbart has the coverage as well:

China Urges Rural Christians to Replace Jesus Images with Xi Jinping

Chinese officials and residents in a rural area of Jiangxi province have revealed a government plan to ?melt the hard ice? in the hearts of Christians towards communism by denying them pivotal poverty relief packages if they do not replace images of Jesus in their households with photos of President Xi Jinping.

One official stated that the move was necessary because Christians are ?ignorant? and need to be taught to worship the state, not God.

?Many rural people are ignorant. They think God is their savior. ? After our cadres? work, they?ll realise their mistakes and think: we should no longer rely on Jesus, but on the party for help,? Qi told the newspaper.

A local resident, which the South China Morning Post identified as ?Liu,? stated that many families were forced to remove their images because they would otherwise not receive their poverty relief packages, putting their lives in jeopardy.

China only formally allows two Christian churches to practice: the Catholic Church and the Three-Self Patriotic Movement, a state-controlled Protestant entity.

Most Christians in China are estimated not to belong to either of the legal churches, but to worship in underground ?house? churches, which are illegal. Researchers have estimated the total Christian population in China to be around 100 million, compared to 85 million members of the CPC.
Happiness said:
Hundreds of Chinese Christians "willingly" replace posters of Bible verses in their homes with portraits of supreme leader Xi.

Wow. Don't worry. This will never work. They are *HUNGRY* for the Word in China. I talked to one missionary last year who went to China with the Gideons. When there are not enough Bibles to go around, the Chinese Christians will rip up a single Bible and pass out small sections so that many people can at least have a little bit of it. They are moved to tears when they are given a copy of their own. The more the Chinese government tries to keep Jesus at bay, the greater the Spirit moves.