NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


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<p>I'm fairly liberal in my political views, but the oncoming governmental intervention is becoming nauseating. Jesse Jackson's show last night on Air America (1150 AM) covered the housing crisis. Countless number of folks calling in complaining about getting notices and threats of losing their homes. </p>

<p>The following link talks about a march Jesse Jackson is sponsoring on December 10.</p>

<p><a href="">Link</a></p>

<p>I'm sure a number of people were taken advantage of, but its sad that personal responsibility is never mentioned by any of the folks.</p>
<p>Oh No. Not Jesse Jackson looking to make a buck on this too. </p>

<p>As far as politics I am a "Tree Hugging Liberal" but this whole thing stinks to high heaven. Some how this entire intervention will get derailed. Some legal injunctions will get filed. The bond holders will sue. Something we have not thought about yet will raise it head and this "Intervention" will fade away. </p>
<em>"losing their homes"</em>

You mean losing the homes they are squatting in because some lender allowed them to believe they owned it?
<p>Any cause that gets this guy media face time is a just one. /sarcasm</p>

<p>He was just in Hollywood two weeks ago trying to rally the troops at the WGA writer's strike picketline at Paramount Studios. When he showed up the picketers were all looking at each other like, WTF ? (but cool because he brought media with him). Something about labor standing together blah, blah, blah. </p>
Haha, Jesse Jackson = No Cred. Smearing MLK's blood on himself after the assassination? What a guy, what a guy. Good person to lead the March to Foreclosure. Maybe he can save the homes if he uses enough $2 words.