It is officially August!

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Yup, that's right folks. You heard it here first. August is officially here. How do we know this? Why, by the Christmas displays at Costco, of course! It's true. My local Costco has a nativity set and Christmas ornaments just in time to feed the frenzied demand of some very special people. I hope you know who your are (and get help).

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[quote author="GraceOMalley" date=1249471472]Sears has had this shiz up since July. Yes July...</blockquote>

I knew that if anyone would respond to this thread it would be you, Grace (and I mean that in a good way). I have to admit I get nostalgic for Christmas sometime during late summer (the New Year's Eve birthday does that, I guess), but it really doesn't mean that I need to see it in the stores! I think that the beginning of school always makes me think of Halloween, which leads to Thanksgiving and there it is, Christmas! Why do we wish our lives away in this manner? Craziness.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1249476518]<img src="" alt="" /></blockquote>

Yeah for the cows!
[quote author="tmare" date=1249474231][quote author="GraceOMalley" date=1249471472]Sears has had this shiz up since July. Yes July...</blockquote>

I knew that if anyone would respond to this thread it would be you, Grace (and I mean that in a good way). I have to admit I get nostalgic for Christmas sometime during late summer (the New Year's Eve birthday does that, I guess), but it really doesn't mean that I need to see it in the stores! I think that the beginning of school always makes me think of Halloween, which leads to Thanksgiving and there it is, Christmas! Why do we wish our lives away in this manner? Craziness.</blockquote>

We got our tickets to Costa Rica :). I hate to say...the best part of the trip is missing Christmas. Well, I guess technically we won't miss it. We'll be missing the crazy whirl wind Christmas I've come to dread.
[quote author="Mcdonna1980" date=1249478135][quote author="tmare" date=1249474231][quote author="GraceOMalley" date=1249471472]Sears has had this shiz up since July. Yes July...</blockquote>

I knew that if anyone would respond to this thread it would be you, Grace (and I mean that in a good way). I have to admit I get nostalgic for Christmas sometime during late summer (the New Year's Eve birthday does that, I guess), but it really doesn't mean that I need to see it in the stores! I think that the beginning of school always makes me think of Halloween, which leads to Thanksgiving and there it is, Christmas! Why do we wish our lives away in this manner? Craziness.</blockquote>

We got our tickets to Costa Rica :). <strong>I hate to say...the best part of the trip is missing Christmas. </strong>[/img]Well, I guess technically we won't miss it. We'll be missing the crazy whirl wind Christmas I've come to dread.</blockquote>

I hope your neighbors are more understanding than their neighbors were...
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I was at the Hallmark at the Spectrum in July getting a birthday card for my father-in-law and they were playing Christmas carols...I asked the cashier - "Christmas music already, huh? Really?" and she said "Ya, tis the season!." I told her it stressed me out :)