Issues with Living Near Affordable Housing?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
YellowFever said:
AA said:
YellowFever said:
Nearly all rappers who grew up in low income or affordable housing neighborhoods and made big money in the industry NEVER desired to go back living where they came from...

Why anyone desires to buy a home with affordable housing/apartments nearby is beyond me. Oh well, it seems like people like to buy homes on top of TCE or next to a landfill.


Where would you buy in Irvine? Any suggestions?

If it has to be in Irvine, and if buying new, then I would pick:

1) Hidden Canyon (budget > $1.5million)
2) Orchard Hills (budget $1-1.5 milion)
3) Eastwood (budget 0-$1 million)

If it is used, I would choose Turtle Rock, Turtle Ridge.

These neighborhoods won't have to deal with low income housing. The Groves senior center across from Eastwood technically isn't low income housing. It's for seniors on a fixed income (retirement).

And senior citizens are generally bedridden, not out in the neighborhood being a rascal.

Thanks.  I was hoping you might have put Stonegate on the list as it has only one smaller affordable apt complex in the entire village. 
YellowFever said:
AA said:
YellowFever said:
Nearly all rappers who grew up in low income or affordable housing neighborhoods and made big money in the industry NEVER desired to go back living where they came from...

Why anyone desires to buy a home with affordable housing/apartments nearby is beyond me. Oh well, it seems like people like to buy homes on top of TCE or next to a landfill.


Where would you buy in Irvine? Any suggestions?

If it has to be in Irvine, and if buying new, then I would pick:

1) Hidden Canyon (budget > $1.5million)
2) Orchard Hills (budget $1-1.5 milion)
3) Eastwood (budget 0-$1 million)

If it is used, I would choose Turtle Rock, Turtle Ridge.

These neighborhoods won't have to deal with low income housing. The Groves senior center across from Eastwood technically isn't low income housing. It's for seniors on a fixed income (retirement).

And senior citizens are generally bedridden, not out in the neighborhood being a rascal.

LOL! Seniors are generally bedridden! Generally they aren't bedridden.

The groves only requires people over 55. Doesn't mean they have to be on retirement income.
YellowFever said:
IrvineBug22 said:
Is affordable housing the reason people don't like CVE and PS and don't think the resale will be there like other areas?

No, I think affordable housing is a secondary, tertiary problem.

Usually, people care about location first. Location versus your budget. Then, they look at school districts and zoning. The top 2 high school is Uni-high followed by Northwood. Don't listen to anyone say that Portola High "will be" number one. That's like saying Trump Jr. will be the next president in 2020. Nobody should make blanket statements about the "future" of something especially when it comes to being "graded" on a scale.

That's like asinine people saying "My daughter will become a surgeon! Or I will make my son the next president of the US, because I am in control of his life."  PUHLEEZE.

The tertiary/fourth problem people then consider is the environmental hazards.

Everybody has different expectation and tolerances of things. Some might be okay with affordable housing and no hazards. Some might not want affordable housing but will live on top of a hazard. Some might not care at all and want to be zoned to the best high school (Uni-High or NW).  Or some just don't care PERIOD, they want to live in Irvine for the "name", like driving a BMW. So they'll buy something in Portola Springs, one of the cheaper enclaves.
I would normally agree but BP and PP are in between CVE and PS and i havent heard a bad thing about it or a bad thing about the resale.  PP is right next to CVE so the affordable housing would be the same issue, the schools at BP and PPare zoned the same as PS and the enviornment issues are almost the same as CVE and PS.  So the logic doesnt make sense maybe you can help me understand what makes SVE and PS so much worse.
YellowFever said:
Ready2Downsize said:
LOL! Seniors are generally bedridden! Generally they aren't bedridden.

The groves only requires people over 55. Doesn't mean they have to be on retirement income.

I was exaggerating but you know what I mean. They're not out and about being a menace to the local community, tagging(graffiti), terrorizing and bullying the neighborhood dog, etc.

no but they can have personality changes (become bitter and mean spirited), hold grudges, make life miserable for neighbors with constant reporting little things to the HOA and can have mental issues from dementia.
IrvineBug22 said:
YellowFever said:
IrvineBug22 said:
Is affordable housing the reason people don't like CVE and PS and don't think the resale will be there like other areas?

No, I think affordable housing is a secondary, tertiary problem.

Usually, people care about location first. Location versus your budget. Then, they look at school districts and zoning. The top 2 high school is Uni-high followed by Northwood. Don't listen to anyone say that Portola High "will be" number one. That's like saying Trump Jr. will be the next president in 2020. Nobody should make blanket statements about the "future" of something especially when it comes to being "graded" on a scale.

That's like asinine people saying "My daughter will become a surgeon! Or I will make my son the next president of the US, because I am in control of his life."  PUHLEEZE.

The tertiary/fourth problem people then consider is the environmental hazards.

Everybody has different expectation and tolerances of things. Some might be okay with affordable housing and no hazards. Some might not want affordable housing but will live on top of a hazard. Some might not care at all and want to be zoned to the best high school (Uni-High or NW).  Or some just don't care PERIOD, they want to live in Irvine for the "name", like driving a BMW. So they'll buy something in Portola Springs, one of the cheaper enclaves.
I would normally agree but BP and PP are in between CVE and PS and i havent heard a bad thing about it or a bad thing about the resale.  PP is right next to CVE so the affordable housing would be the same issue, the schools at BP and PPare zoned the same as PS and the enviornment issues are almost the same as CVE and PS.  So the logic doesnt make sense maybe you can help me understand what makes SVE and PS so much worse.

BP/PP/PS/CV communities are only a few years old. Let's revisit in 15-20  years which communities have appreciated more and others not so much.

Nope. Helena plan3 started at ~$700k and plan 3 model home is going for $900k+, but last base price for a normal sale is $775k.
YellowFever said:
IrvineBug22 said:
I agree with you yellow but the problem I have with the market is then why is PS and CVE affected and not BP an PP?

I apologize for missing your question. I got carried away as always.

To answer your question:

If you travel down Sand Canyon Blvd. going north starting from Irvine Center Drive., it's not very scenic.  On the left and right side, you got the 15000 block of commercial buildings, First Direct Lending, etc. Nobody likes living next to these.  When yo hit Oak Canyon street, you got this hazardous waste disposal site. Terrible!  Now, let's keep driving north. It doesn't get any better here.There is an underpass, and La Quinta Inn and the Dennys. This place is heavily impacted with traffic. Oh, this is where they plan to propose building some massive 2000 Irvine Co. apartments. 

Finally, we've hit the 5 fwy. Ugly ugly ugly. It doesn't stop there. Keep driving north. To the right is the butt ugly OCTA Maintenace yard.  Maintenace yard?!?!? Yeah, they fix things, they dump oil, all kinds of "Prop 65: you're going to get cancer and birth defects by standing around" kind of place.  ;)
A little bit further and this is where Irvine Unified keeps all their school buses.  Another undesirable place to be around.

Finally, we hit our first patch of residential apartment homes Avella.  And then making a right turn at Great Park Blvd, we  have the OC Fire station and that ugly SCE substation. CVE is now sandwiched here, with a proposed low income housing north side bordering great park blvd. To the west, you are bordering the 133 toll road, and *IF* it becomes FREE like the city plans to do one day, you can bet it will be MASS traffic and MASS freeway cancer causing air pollution for CVE, WBE, and STGE.  CVE is also one of the closest neighborohods to ground zero of the plume.

PS enclave is too close to the landfill. Studies show you want to be 3 miles or more. PS is 1.5 miles and some homes are way below that.  The landfill is going to be there for quite a while.

Lastly, BP and PP are somewhat in between ground zero of TCE and the landfill. It is not as close to the landfill as PS, but it is also not close to ground zero of TCE as CVE and ParasolPark is.  And BP and PP homes also cost a lot more. Many come with full drive ways like in PP making them a hot seller at the time.

I mean, just look at this big ass drive way in PP.

CVE will NEVER become that exclusive million-dollar club community homes like BP and EW will have. It will need inflation to get it there. Looking at EW and OH single family detached homes, they will all be over $1 million market value by the time they are all built out.  That won't happen in CVE.

That PP listing is the poster child of why you NEVER EVER want to buy a model home....WORST PURCHASE EVER!!!