Is the RIAA going too far?

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The absolutely sickest part is I've only burned about 1/2 of my old CDs. and almost NONE of my new ones. I haven't had time. I did 60 or so tonight, it took about three hours.
[quote author="Trooper" date=1209731688]Damn, No Vas ! That is impressive !

Now I'm going to have to check to see how many days I have....I'm guessing, one ? ;-P

edit: In my Mac, I have 501 songs, 1.5 days. On my thumb drive I have four times that (downloaded it from my PC iTunes account...plan on someday figuring out how to get it into my Mac iTunes account)

So I guess I have about six days between the two.</blockquote>

convert the songs to mp3 (im assuming they are in m4a format now) then you dont have to worry about the account names at all. Usually any cd I purchase from Itunes, I am going to burn it right away to play in my car. So I just take the extra minute after I burn the cd, and rip the cd onto my computer in mp3 format. Then I delete the m4a ones.

I do have a question though since I have never owned a Mac. Do they require you to make a seperate Itunes account for a PC and Mac or was that your choice? Why not have the same account on both computers?
If you are going to rip your CDs to MP3s, do it the right way:

<a href=""></a>
No way. Apple lossless owns. It is, however, a memory hog. 18.5 days (I've been busy!) of full bandwith content takes up 160 or so meg. You can buy a terrabyte for about $300 now so the decision is easy. If you're me.

If anyone here has an old CD collection they want to sell, contact me via PM. We can work something out.