Is Irvine strict with unpermitted work?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
They won't care. I've emphasized that in my response. I'm not disagreeing with you here. Without extra info on the additional closet that is being added, I do think it's not an issue.

One of the main reason(s) that the state wants you to apply for permits on additions is it raises the value of the property. That means more property tax the state can receive in the future. With this closet, the addition to the home is probably near 0. Which is why I would argue it's almost a waste of time for the inspector to come as it generates no revenue for the state. The cost for the inspector to come outweighs the return to the state in this case.
(y) I wasn't disagreeing with you either.
They won't care. I've emphasized that in my response. I'm not disagreeing with you here. Without extra info on the additional closet that is being added, I do think it's not an issue.

One of the main reason(s) that the state wants you to apply for permits on additions is it raises the value of the property. That means more property tax the state can receive in the future. With this closet, the addition to the home is probably near 0. Which is why I would argue it's almost a waste of time for the inspector to come as it generates no revenue for the state. The cost for the inspector to come outweighs the return to the state in this case.
By this logic converting an upstairs LOFT area with windows into a bedroom should need a permit?
If you had a FHA buyer they might ask you to get it permitted or modify it to meet code. Fannie/Freddie aren't usually going to deny loan funding for something like this. As long as the buyer is willing to accept it, then you are in the clear.
I’m not adding any bedrooms. The extra closet will essentially be a bump-out from a current bedroom into the backyard. Satellite images would not change as there is currently a patio covering over where the closet would be. I’m not concerned with selling as I’ve lived here for many years and won’t be selling for the forseeable future.

Reason I’m opposed to permit is that I got quoted 4x more to get it done with permits vs not. Technically every extension is required by the city though.

My question mainly is - how does the city catch you? Other cities (LA and other parts of OC) are full of unpermitted work that never gets caught. Is Irvine stricter or harder to get away with?
I would bet in most cases of people getting caught it's the neighbors throwing the homeowner under the bus, though I've heard of cases where building inspectors just happen to be driving by. If the construction isn't visible from the street and you don't have laborers hauling building materials onto the property all day the latter is probably not going to happen.
I would bet in most cases of people getting caught it's the neighbors throwing the homeowner under the bus, though I've heard of cases where building inspectors just happen to be driving by. If the construction isn't visible from the street and you don't have laborers hauling building materials onto the property all day the latter is probably not going to happen.
Hawaii is notorious for this. People have nothing better to do there.