IrvineRealtor?s Proposal:

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


New member
In paying attention to the proceedings here, I?ve been taking notes. My business (100%) is residential real estate and these forums are an amazing opportunity to learn from. Thank you all for your particular insights from different areas of expertise. From architectural design, to lending issues, to feet-on-the-ground neighborhood feedback, you have been keenly insightful and have given me a broader base of knowledge than I could have possibly pulled from on my own.

As a businessman with intentions of staying ahead of the pack, I have particularly been keeping tabs on my own workings and ?areas of improvement? to constantly trim the sails. One item that I?ve recognized is that the perception is that my service is and has been tailored to clients/partners who are looking for (and need) a more full-service approach. That is not a bad thing and I take it as a compliment.

However, it is quite apparent that many/most here on the blog are more than capable of doing most of the research and ?pre-work? on your own:

<span style="color: blue;">- You know which neighborhood you want, often better than a real estate professional.

- You don?t need to be educated in financial literacy. You know what rental parity is and what the Case-Schiller index represents.

- You can spend the time to see the homes and preview on your own.

- You have your own taste and don?t need to be told why you should like a home.

- You are looking for a lower-cost solution to accommodate your needs, <strong>when the time is right to buy for you</strong>.</span>

The question then becomes,

<span style="color: blue;"><strong>?How do I assist this group, and capture some of these leads without compromising my values or diminishing my service??</strong></span>

which brings me to my proposal:

<blockquote><span style="font-size: 14px;"><strong>If you are in a position to provide me with the information I need in order to assist you, and help me best utilize my resources (including time) I am willing and able to assist you purchase your home for terms matching or beating a discount-style model. </strong></span></blockquote>

<strong>How can I do this?</strong>

- My sales license hangs with a large brokerage that typically does not offer these kinds of terms for buyers. In fact, they are very much against such agreements, which is their right. My analogy is that I am working as an independent contractor, like a doctor in a hospital, and I am not allowed to give the hospital?s money away. So?

- This style of transaction will not take place through that brokerage, but through a separate broker?s license (independent, insured, and without restrictions).

- This is not <em>in any form</em> affiliated with the spin-off that IHB has decided to create on their own. If you would like to do business with them, you would need to contact their realtor of choice.

<strong>Why would I do this?</strong>

- Because it makes sense for my clients, and is obviously what they are looking for.

- Because I can.

<strong>What I will need from you, in a note to my email address:</strong>

<span style="color: red;"><strong>1. A completed pre-approval from a direct lender in an amount at least equaling your purchase offer price.

2. Proof of funds, sufficient to complete the transaction (a copy of your bank statement or savings from which you will be pulling the cash.)

3. Your full name(s), email, and contact phone numbers.

4. The property address that you are interested in.

5. The price and terms of the offer you would like to submit.

6. An agreement on what our terms are, up front, in writing.</strong></span>

<strong>What I will be able to provide:</strong>

<span style="color: red;"><strong>- Send you a contract to be electronically signed with digital identification/encryption software and forward the offer to the listing brokerage, even on short sales.

- If/when your offer is accepted, perform a personal cursory inspection of the home and provide feedback via an AVID (Agent?s Visual Inspection Disclosure) statement.

- Assist through the rest of the transaction from professional inspection, to negotiations through the contingency period, and eventually through the close of your escrow.

- Hire a dedicated transaction manager for your file, to monitor all of the paperwork during the purchase and after, and provide you with a CD-ROM of all documents regarding the transaction once completed.

- Stand personally accountable for how you are treated, start to finish. </strong></span>

If someone needs full-service attention and/or wants the deep-pockets style of protection that a major brokerage provides, that is of course still available. If there is some middle ground that is needed, I am open to hearing your proposals. As I?ve always contended, I work for a fair fee. Hopefully this post helps provide a bit more clarity on what this means.

Let me know what you think? feedback welcomed.

-Scott Gunther (IrvineRealtor)

<em>?In business, the competition will bite you if you keep running; if you stand still, they will swallow you whole.?</em> ~ William Knudsen Jr.
"1. A completed pre-approval from a direct lender in an amount at least equaling your purchase offer price."

Deuce, do you mean equal to the purchase price less the downpayment (verified through #2), or does it mean exactly what you wrote? Sorry if I'm being dense but it's probably worth asking!
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1252313076]"1. A completed pre-approval from a direct lender in an amount at least equaling your purchase offer price."

Deuce, do you mean equal to the purchase price less the downpayment (verified through #2), or does it mean exactly what you wrote? Sorry if I'm being dense but it's probably worth asking!</blockquote>

Some lenders send out a pre-approval specifying a particular loan amount, while others provide a letter which pre-approves a total purchase price amount (indicating that they have verified the buyers' savings).

What is needed is documented proof that you have the financial capacity to buy the home.

If you are buying with 100% cash, you may skip the preapproval.

If you are skek, you can simply send a copy of last week's paystub.
One of the most important service a Realtor provide is access to the house. People can do all the back ground research, and case the neighborhood, but the avg. buyer can not get access to see the interior of the house without a realtor. I think you would need to provide this service, otherwise you're just "pushing" paper.
- This style of transaction will not take place through that brokerage, but through a separate broker?s license (independent, insured, and without restrictions).


Does this mean that if we purchase a home from you that you will be your own brokerage?
<strong>What I will need from you, in a note to my email address:</strong>

<span style="color: red;"><strong>

1. A completed pre-approval from a direct lender in an amount at least equaling your purchase offer price.

2. Proof of funds, sufficient to complete the transaction (a copy of your bank statement or savings from which you will be pulling the cash.)

3. Your full name(s), email, and contact phone numbers.

4. The property address that you are interested in.

5. The price and terms of the offer you would like to submit.

6. An agreement on what our terms are, up front, in writing.</strong></span>

Deuce, I can submit 2-6 without any problems. Can i complete a pre-approval from a California lender even though i live out-of-state?
[quote author="PANDA" date=1252314661]<strong>What I will need from you, in a note to my email address:</strong>

<span style="color: red;"><strong>

1. A completed pre-approval from a direct lender in an amount at least equaling your purchase offer price.

2. Proof of funds, sufficient to complete the transaction (a copy of your bank statement or savings from which you will be pulling the cash.)

3. Your full name(s), email, and contact phone numbers.

4. The property address that you are interested in.

5. The price and terms of the offer you would like to submit.

6. An agreement on what our terms are, up front, in writing.</strong></span>

Deuce, I can submit 2-6 without any problems. Can i complete a pre-approval from a California lender even though i live out-of-state?</blockquote>
I would highly advise that buyers obtain loan pre-approval letters from direct lenders as that is what most listing agents are looking for. Most large direct lenders have the licenses and ability to make residential mortgage loans in most all states, including California. So yes, you would be able to obtain a loan pre-approval letter from a lender if you live out-of-state so long as you qualified for the loan.
IR2, I have a few questions for you. Why is it that your broker does not allow you to reduce your commission for your clients? Is it because they stand to make less on their broker split? Why not just start your own brokerage or join a brokerage that offers a higher commission split and great flexibility in providing commission rebates to your clients instead of still hanging your license at a National Firm? Do you find that having a National firm behind you provides you perceived credibility in a certain client base (such as sellers)? I'm more than happy to pass along my broker's contact information if you are interested.
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1252315251]IR2, I have a few questions for you. Why is it that your broker does not allow you to reduce your commission for your clients? Is it because they stand to make less on their broker split? Why not just start your own brokerage or join a brokerage that offers a higher commission split and great flexibility in providing commission rebates to your clients? I'm more than happy to pass along my broker's contact information if you are interested.</blockquote>

Dumb question... I've always wondered what the benefits are of working for a brokerage? What services are they providing for you?
[quote author="C Delroy Spuckler" date=1252315713][quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1252315251]IR2, I have a few questions for you. Why is it that your broker does not allow you to reduce your commission for your clients? Is it because they stand to make less on their broker split? Why not just start your own brokerage or join a brokerage that offers a higher commission split and great flexibility in providing commission rebates to your clients? I'm more than happy to pass along my broker's contact information if you are interested.</blockquote>

Dumb question... I've always wondered what the benefits are of working for a brokerage? What services are they providing for you?</blockquote>
In my opinion there's 2 main benefits (at least for me).

1. Working under a broker provides liability protection for agents (I do not have to obtain E&O liability insurance as an agent working under a broker)

2. The broker is responsible for file retention in case the Department of Real Estate wants to audit the file/transaction

Other benefits that agents obtain from working for a broker:

- Larger brokers provide office space for agents to bring in clients for various reasons

- Larger brokers provide a lot of back office assistance such as transaction coordinators and admin assistance

- Established brokerage are more experienced and can provide their agents training and assist them during the transaction if issues pop up
[quote author="IrvineRealtor" date=1252311883]Let me know what you think? feedback welcomed.

-Scott Gunther (IrvineRealtor) </blockquote>


You have done much good for many people here in the forums. I hope that the good you have done comes back to you in due course.
[quote author="IrvineRealtor" date=1252311883]Hire a dedicated transaction manager for your file, to monitor all of the paperwork during the purchase and after</blockquote>

Is the transaction manager the one that we are supposed to communicate with during the transaction, you, or both? Is the transaction manager just "behind the scenes"?
[quote author="garrison" date=1252317081]Will complying with the 1st requirement (approval letter) incur a hard pull on my credit report? If so, that's not kosher. I know that as of a few months ago I'm sitting a little above 800, and I wouldn't want to jeopardize it going below 760 (isn't that the demarcation between getting the very best rates?) How about you take my word that "I'm good for it" ;)</blockquote>

Yes, and when you actually go to buy a house, expect to take that hit. Deuce isn't trying to shine anyone, he's just offering a bare bones service for those who don't need their hand held through the search portion of buying a house.

I only wish I could be the first to take him up on his offer, but he'll be busy soon enough, I am sure.
[quote author="autox" date=1252313950]One of the most important service a Realtor provide is access to the house. People can do all the back ground research, and case the neighborhood, but the avg. buyer can not get access to see the interior of the house without a realtor. I think you would need to provide this service, otherwise you're just "pushing" paper.</blockquote>

Autox - Access takes time, gas, and energy, and those have costs. I'm willing to trade those costs to suit the needs of several people here who can get in during open house, or otherwise. Any caddy with a key can get you access.

And as I stated, if you are interested in an arrangement somewhere in the middle, I'm open to hear what you'd propose when the time is right for you.

I want to also add that the time is not yet right for me and my family... we are waiting in anticipation of further price declines and sitting in a hedge position owning/living in our Irvine condo.
[quote author="PANDA" date=1252314230]- This style of transaction will not take place through that brokerage, but through a separate broker?s license (independent, insured, and without restrictions).


Does this mean that if we purchase a home from you that you will be your own brokerage?</blockquote>

[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1252315096][quote author="PANDA" date=1252314661]<strong>What I will need from you, in a note to my email address:</strong>

<span style="color: red;"><strong>

1. A completed pre-approval from a direct lender in an amount at least equaling your purchase offer price.

2. Proof of funds, sufficient to complete the transaction (a copy of your bank statement or savings from which you will be pulling the cash.)

3. Your full name(s), email, and contact phone numbers.

4. The property address that you are interested in.

5. The price and terms of the offer you would like to submit.

6. An agreement on what our terms are, up front, in writing.</strong></span>

Deuce, I can submit 2-6 without any problems. Can i complete a pre-approval from a California lender even though i live out-of-state?</blockquote>
I would highly advise that buyers obtain loan pre-approval letters from direct lenders as that is what most listing agents are looking for. Most large direct lenders have the licenses and ability to make residential mortgage loans in most all states, including California. So yes, you would be able to obtain a loan pre-approval letter from a lender if you live out-of-state so long as you qualified for the loan.</blockquote>


With all due respect, I'd appreciate if I can respond to questions directed specifically towards me, in particular on this thread. This is an open forum and you may do as you will, but I'm just making the request.
[quote author="garrison" date=1252317081]Will complying with the 1st requirement (approval letter) incur a hard pull on my credit report? If so, that's not kosher. I know that as of a few months ago I'm sitting a little above 800, and I wouldn't want to jeopardize it going below 760 (isn't that the demarcation between getting the very best rates?) How about you take my word that "I'm good for it" ;)</blockquote>

I had the exact same question (thanks Nude for confirming). As a data point, here's my experience, having a similar score. In the past year I've had 2 credit checks pulled so I could open another account at Everbank (should have been once, but the instructions were unclear). I've also had a few credit lines, including my longest-standing of 14 years, canceled involuntarily (thanks Chase; I won't forget that). My Experian score dropped all of 4 points from all this. I don't know what my current FICO is, but I know at one point it was almost dead even with my Experian score.
[quote author="C Delroy Spuckler" date=1252315713][quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1252315251]IR2, I have a few questions for you. Why is it that your broker does not allow you to reduce your commission for your clients? Is it because they stand to make less on their broker split? Why not just start your own brokerage or join a brokerage that offers a higher commission split and great flexibility in providing commission rebates to your clients? I'm more than happy to pass along my broker's contact information if you are interested.</blockquote>

Dumb question... I've always wondered what the benefits are of working for a brokerage? What services are they providing for you?</blockquote>

The broker that I hang my sales license with does not make it a policy to rebate commissions. Why? Any number of reasons could be given, but I would venture to guess that chief among them is that it would damage the brand. You can not "un-ring" that bell. But that is a discussion for another day.

Why hang my license with them? Because they spend a lot of money for that branding and that internet presence and that is what is most important for my sellers. I could keep a higher % by hanging my license elsewhere, but they spend about $1M per week on providing my clients with top level internet search placement, print media, and support. Providing better service to the sellers, even at a smaller cut for me personally, still begets repeat, referral, and future business that more than makes up for it. I suppose it is not so different on this buyers' proposal, is it?

As far as referring broker's contact info, perhaps I could make the same offer to you, t-man. Maybe I could beat what they're offering you? ;-)