Irvine vs Surrounding Cities?

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misme said:
CogNeuroSci said:
I'm worried about what the IUSD high schools are clearly trying to do: slow down students who want to try to be more advanced. The net result is a lot of straight-A students who are very run-of-the-mill and have no chance (but they and their poor parents don't know it yet) of getting into the best schools that they want. Imagine putting your child into a high school that you thought would position your child for the ultimate gains but actually was designed to impede separation at the top and as a direct result prevent any good chance of getting into the top schools.

this is an issue that is not unique to Irvine, but to
public education in California and the nation as a whole?case in point, the Ca proposed math curriculum to eliminate all math tracking until 11th grade, similar proposed changes to virginia math curriculum, proposals in Palo Alto to limit number of AP/honors courses kids can take. 

combined with the growing movement to eliminate standardized testing for college like ACT/SAT and widespread grade inflation on high school transcripts, college admissions is moving towards becoming a randomized lottery process once kids have demonstrated a certain  threshold of achievement.

This is what happens when you put a person (Boaler) with a degree in psychology in charge of math curriculum.

I think there's some truth to that last sentence. After you get through the legacies/athletes/stories/etc that I mentioned above, the remaining pool is like winning a lottery jackpot. It's not uncommon to see parents pushing their kids to apply to a long laundry list of schools. More apps = more chances to "win".
[quote author=bones

1. No I?m not surprised. The IUSD hype machine is pretty easy to figure out. The only thing in the last 5-10 years that has surprised me is their no hw policy (which I think contributes to some of the points you made earlier in this thread).
2. I have no interest in helping anyone out for free - I just shoot the shit here once in awhile. But what you aim to do is very noble. Good job.
3. Re: medical school. I think this is now a running gag that you think is funny but isn't? Feel free to insert the (most/least) impressive response to satiate your curiosity.

:) :) :)
I am nice to people here. I've shown that pattern. One time some guy was being a smartass to me, so I barked back. I wait until I see a pattern of negativity directed at me. And you've passed that threshold with an A+.

I've stated before that I'm here to help people with their homes, flooring, choosing an Irvine location, or choosing a builder. I've stated the reason I want to do that is because five years ago this site helped me so much with a house we bought. I'm not here to show off; that's not my MO. Ever. You're way off. I mean, you're in outer space, you egocentric moon cake.

Evidence: So (1) I say Harvard is legit and then guess that maybe you're a doctor and ask where you went to med school, WTTCHMN says I got everything wrong, I say sorry my bad, AND you respond that you don't want to tell me because it can't help my son when nothing in my post suggests I'm looking for your help. Then you provide stats on Ivy Leagues when nothing in my posts suggested I wanted that. Both parts of your response don't match or fit my posts, that's how off-the-wall your response is, you self-ingratiating ingrate.

(2) Of course it is NOT easy to determine that IUSD high schools suck. No HMWK policy? What the fook are you talking about? I'm focused on the high schools, and they all have HMWK, you presumptuous Martian. The vast majority of people in Irvine are highly educated and too busy to figure out the details of any high school. The parents went to high school at a different era, and things have changed a ton at the same high schools they were once familiar with, but most parents are not aware of it. I have literally only seen you and me talking shit about IUSD. All those educated Irvine parents with great jobs are not dumb, you dummy; they're just experts in their occupational fields and don't have time to become experts about their kids' workplace, you arrogant poop. Pretty easy to figure out? You shit others as much as you shit yourself after a bad case of the runs.

(3) I'm not really curious about you. I am not your competitor. I only care about the truth of things or that which is closer to the truth. I'm here to help, because so many people here helped me. I'm not here to match wits with the master witch.
CogNeuroSci said:
[quote author=bones

1. No I?m not surprised. The IUSD hype machine is pretty easy to figure out. The only thing in the last 5-10 years that has surprised me is their no hw policy (which I think contributes to some of the points you made earlier in this thread).
2. I have no interest in helping anyone out for free - I just shoot the shit here once in awhile. But what you aim to do is very noble. Good job.
3. Re: medical school. I think this is now a running gag that you think is funny but isn't? Feel free to insert the (most/least) impressive response to satiate your curiosity.

:) :) :)
I am nice to people here. I've shown that pattern. One time some guy was being a smartass to me, so I barked back. I wait until I see a pattern of negativity directed at me. And you've passed that threshold with an A+.

I've stated before that I'm here to help people with their homes, flooring, choosing an Irvine location, or choosing a builder. I've stated the reason I want to do that is because five years ago this site helped me so much with a house we bought. I'm not here to show off; that's not my MO. Ever. You're way off. I mean, you're in outer space, you egocentric moon cake.

Evidence: So (1) I say Harvard is legit and then guess that maybe you're a doctor and ask where you went to med school, WTTCHMN says I got everything wrong, I say sorry my bad, AND you respond that you don't want to tell me because it can't help my son when nothing in my post suggests I'm looking for your help. Then you provide stats on Ivy Leagues when nothing in my posts suggested I wanted that. Both parts of your response don't match or fit my posts, that's how off-the-wall your response is, you self-ingratiating ingrate.

(2) Of course it is NOT easy to determine that IUSD high schools suck. No HMWK policy? What the fook are you talking about? I'm focused on the high schools, and they all have HMWK, you presumptuous Martian. The vast majority of people in Irvine are highly educated and too busy to figure out the details of any high school. The parents went to high school at a different era, and things have changed a ton at the same high schools they were once familiar with, but most parents are not aware of it. I have literally only seen you and me talking shit about IUSD. All those educated Irvine parents with great jobs are not dumb, you dummy; they're just experts in their occupational fields and don't have time to become experts about their kids' workplace, you arrogant poop. Pretty easy to figure out? You shit others as much as you shit yourself after a bad case of the runs.

(3) I'm not really curious about you. I am not your competitor. I only care about the truth of things or that which is closer to the truth. I'm here to help, because so many people here helped me. I'm not here to match wits with the master witch.

So shadap.

bones said:
CogNeuroSci said:
CogNeuroSci said:
Harvard is an Ivy League that is not overrated.

If Bones interviews for Harvard, he went there for undergrad. His call name is Bones, suggesting he's a medical doctor. So what medical school did you go to, Bones?

Good god, you didn?t get a single detail correct.

Sorry, my bad.

I would tell you if I thought it would help your kid?s chances. But since I didn?t have a kid with you, it doesn?t.

5-6% acceptance rate across all ivies for class of 2025. The reality is after legacies, athletes, the geniuses, the well-connected, the ?stories? (aka first gens/hardship applicants), there?s not much space for IUSD (or similar) kids.

In case anyone is confused, this is the Martian head scratcher. Super presumptuous? Or earnestly disconnected?
CogNeuroSci said:
bones said:
CogNeuroSci said:
CogNeuroSci said:
Harvard is an Ivy League that is not overrated.

If Bones interviews for Harvard, he went there for undergrad. His call name is Bones, suggesting he's a medical doctor. So what medical school did you go to, Bones?

Good god, you didn?t get a single detail correct.

Sorry, my bad.

I would tell you if I thought it would help your kid?s chances. But since I didn?t have a kid with you, it doesn?t.

5-6% acceptance rate across all ivies for class of 2025. The reality is after legacies, athletes, the geniuses, the well-connected, the ?stories? (aka first gens/hardship applicants), there?s not much space for IUSD (or similar) kids.

In case anyone is confused, this is the Martian head scratcher. Super presumptuous? Or earnestly disconnected?

This happens like nationwide. There are only x amount of spots.
eyephone said:
CogNeuroSci said:
bones said:
CogNeuroSci said:
CogNeuroSci said:
Harvard is an Ivy League that is not overrated.

If Bones interviews for Harvard, he went there for undergrad. His call name is Bones, suggesting he's a medical doctor. So what medical school did you go to, Bones?

Good god, you didn?t get a single detail correct.

Sorry, my bad.

I would tell you if I thought it would help your kid?s chances. But since I didn?t have a kid with you, it doesn?t.

5-6% acceptance rate across all ivies for class of 2025. The reality is after legacies, athletes, the geniuses, the well-connected, the ?stories? (aka first gens/hardship applicants), there?s not much space for IUSD (or similar) kids.

In case anyone is confused, this is the Martian head scratcher. Super presumptuous? Or earnestly disconnected?

This happens like nationwide. There are only x amount of spots.

LOL. Yes, but why mention that? What in my quoted posts elicited that response? That response, in context, is basically word salad. Which is wonderful stuff from schizophrenics.
I didn't read all 8 pages of responses, but here is my take as a parent who has had kids in IUSD for almost their whole school lives.

Forget about collegw for now. But be aware that IUSD is a fantastic school district, whether your kids are super smart or in need of additional supports. We have benefitted from IUSDs stellar special education program for our kids, who were diagnosed autistic and speech delayed as 3 year olds. You have NO way of knowing what your kids will need, school wise, when they are 2 and "not yet born." Don't put the cart before the horse in this respect.

The reason we chose Irvine and have stayed here, despite not even being able to afford to buy a home (we have been renters here for 14 years, is because of the overall high quality of life here. The amazing parks, bike trail network, safety, diverse population, job opportunities food options, shopping, and the central location between and surrounding both 5 and 405 make it an ideal hub. Irvine is a well educated, tolerant city. It is clean. It is well maintained. It strives to be a place where people can enjoy life. How much do you really need a huge house when there is so much to do outdoors that is enjoyable.  We are a family of 4 in a 3/2, 1800 sq ft condo.It's fine. We love our neighborhood, all the amenities and the friendly vibe here. I left my keys in my door overnight and all day the next day and they were still there when I discovered it. And nothing happened. I feel safe here.

The IUSD special programs for students with disabilities or learning difficulties is incomparable to anything else in the region. This program has provided our children with SO much that will serve them well as they transition to independent adulthood. They have been given great opportunities to learn alongside peers when capable and amazing skills based classes as well. YOU NEVER know what life is going to hand you and we are eternally grateful we decided to move to Irvine a month before my first child was born, and that we already lived here when he was identified as in need of special education at 3, and was immediately enrolled in the full time, standalone soecial education preschool that IUSD has (that most other districts do not have). We had to move away for 4 years due to military orders, and it was awful. We moved back to Irvine at the first opportunity and will never leave.

I would suggest you forget about buying right now. Rent a home here and see how you like it while your kids are still too young for "real school." You will know pretty quickly if you want to stay lomg term or not.
I live in a nice place in Lake Forest. I did consider the fact that the school district is a notch below IUSD.  However, even ignoring the 200k I probably saved by buying here, I'm saving between 500-1000 a month in mello roos, despite it being a new development. 

I figure $500 a month can buy some good tutoring to make up for the less stellar teachers. 
ThirtySomethingWEquity said:
I figure $500 a month can buy some good tutoring to make up for the less stellar teachers.

Who knows if this statement is actually true though? 

There's a chicken & egg aspect to IUSD because it attracts so many tiger families and other sheeple that believe the hype (justified or not).  Is Irvine highly rated because the schools are that much better, or is it highly rated because it attracts the right families which help boost test scores and keep Irvine schools high in the rankings?

All things being equal, public school teachers are going to gravitate to districts that are perceived to have competitive pay and less stressful work.  Irvine doesn't have as many troubled students as lower income areas, so it's more attractive than LAUSD, for example, but the parents in Irvine might be overly demanding and add to the already stressful workload that teachers face, which could deter top teaching talent from wanting to work in IUSD over other nearby South county districts that are missing the tiger parent factor.
ThirtySomethingWEquity said:
I live in a nice place in Lake Forest. I did consider the fact that the school district is a notch below IUSD.  However, even ignoring the 200k I probably saved by buying here, I'm saving between 500-1000 a month in mello roos, despite it being a new development. 

I figure $500 a month can buy some good tutoring to make up for the less stellar teachers.

Why would you bash the teachers?
I think we all know that there are only limited spots per university.
Liar Loan said:
ThirtySomethingWEquity said:
I figure $500 a month can buy some good tutoring to make up for the less stellar teachers.

Who knows if this statement is actually true though? 

There's a chicken & egg aspect to IUSD because it attracts so many tiger families and other sheeple that believe the hype (justified or not).  Is Irvine highly rated because the schools are that much better, or is it highly rated because it attracts the right families which help boost test scores and keep Irvine schools high in the rankings?

All things being equal, public school teachers are going to gravitate to districts that are perceived to have competitive pay and less stressful work.  Irvine doesn't have as many troubled students as lower income areas, so it's more attractive than LAUSD, for example, but the parents in Irvine might be overly demanding and add to the already stressful workload that teachers face, which could deter top teaching talent from wanting to work in IUSD over other nearby South county districts that are missing the tiger parent factor.

When my kids were in school (IUSD) the teachers said IUSD pay is lower than other districts because the kids are better behaved and there is parent support.

As far as teachers go, u can have a crappy teacher in IUSD (we did) or excellent teachers (we also did). Alot will depend on the principal (and not all have been good thru the years. We specifically did not send our kids to Sierra Vista Middle school because the principal was so bad and the kids were out of control. Most likely she is long gone and I'll bet the school is much better for it).

Alot depends on class size, parent involvement and individual kids in the class. Some "trouble makers" can really affect how well a teacher can work.

Money does count though. My daughter is a teacher and there are some really nice schools near her but she drives farther (to other good schools) because the pay is lower near her house.

Before she had her pick of schools, she mostly worked at very poor schools and when she started out she was given an entire class of kids no other teacher wanted (slow learners, kids that regularly were not there, some didn't know English and disciple problems and they were the absolute worst test scoring kids. Her pay depended on those test scores). By the end of the year there was not one kid who was a "problem child" and she got a huge raise because the scores went up so much.

The next year, the school had to institute a rule that parents could not request a teacher because her class was so full of kids including other teacher's kids and there were arguments about why particular kids didn't get my daughter as their teacher.

When she left, the kids cried.

I highly recommend Freedom Writers with Hillary Swank if you've never seen it. It's based on a true story.
ThirtySomethingWEquity said:
I live in a nice place in Lake Forest. I did consider the fact that the school district is a notch below IUSD.  However, even ignoring the 200k I probably saved by buying here, I'm saving between 500-1000 a month in mello roos, despite it being a new development. 

I figure $500 a month can buy some good tutoring to make up for the less stellar teachers.

That is your opinion and your preference. For a hypothetical scenario you save $200k but the RE in Irvine might possibly be higher at the end of the day. (safety, good schools, good food, job hub)
CogNeuroSci said:
eyephone said:
CogNeuroSci said:
bones said:
CogNeuroSci said:
CogNeuroSci said:
Harvard is an Ivy League that is not overrated.

If Bones interviews for Harvard, he went there for undergrad. His call name is Bones, suggesting he's a medical doctor. So what medical school did you go to, Bones?

Good god, you didn?t get a single detail correct.

Sorry, my bad.

I would tell you if I thought it would help your kid?s chances. But since I didn?t have a kid with you, it doesn?t.

5-6% acceptance rate across all ivies for class of 2025. The reality is after legacies, athletes, the geniuses, the well-connected, the ?stories? (aka first gens/hardship applicants), there?s not much space for IUSD (or similar) kids.

In case anyone is confused, this is the Martian head scratcher. Super presumptuous? Or earnestly disconnected?

This happens like nationwide. There are only x amount of spots.

LOL. Yes, but why mention that? What in my quoted posts elicited that response? That response, in context, is basically word salad. Which is wonderful stuff from schizophrenics.

You also know that UCs has a ?limit? of students per school. (They have an admission policy per school that is on their website) I guess it is the same with other colleges.
You should maybe ask why is there not a magnet HS in Irvine? Because I think they are competing against the students that attend magnet schools.
CogNeuroSci said:
bones said:
CogNeuroSci said:
CogNeuroSci said:
Harvard is an Ivy League that is not overrated.

If Bones interviews for Harvard, he went there for undergrad. His call name is Bones, suggesting he's a medical doctor. So what medical school did you go to, Bones?

Good god, you didn?t get a single detail correct.

Sorry, my bad.

I would tell you if I thought it would help your kid?s chances. But since I didn?t have a kid with you, it doesn?t.

5-6% acceptance rate across all ivies for class of 2025. The reality is after legacies, athletes, the geniuses, the well-connected, the ?stories? (aka first gens/hardship applicants), there?s not much space for IUSD (or similar) kids.

In case anyone is confused, this is the Martian head scratcher. Super presumptuous? Or earnestly disconnected?

I thought it was funny in a super presumptuous sort of way.


Something not right...I smell fishy stuff..or dummy stuff.

Right zubs, I'd rather take everything lightheartedly. I just couldn't help but sense bones was playing with me. If I come to that conclusion, then it's gonna be equal and opposite reaction.

And as if right on cue, in comes eyephone doing his stuff that he does (No offense. Love your stuff on politics, not so much on education)! LOL.
Damn it, eyephone. If I give you the benefit of the doubt, then you must be in collusion with bonesy (you guys all go way back to something like 2013). In which case, I will go into that politics thread and team up with Kaos (after first designing my own logo) against you. I swear I'll do it!

Or your brain is on crack. Regardless, get off your "there's only x number of spots." You're addicted to that phrase even when it's totally irrelevant.
CogNeuroSci said:
Damn it, eyephone. If I give you the benefit of the doubt, then you must be in collusion with bonesy (you guys all go way back to something like 2013). In which case, I will go into that politics thread and team up with Kaos (after first designing my own logo) against you  I swear I'll do it!

Or your brain is on crack. Regardless, get off your "there's only x number if spots." You're addicted to that phrase even when it's totally irrelevant.

Take a look at the UC local guarantee. If you are rank top 9 percent if your graduating class at a participating California high school. They guarantee you a spot at a campus.
eyephone said:
CogNeuroSci said:
Damn it, eyephone. If I give you the benefit of the doubt, then you must be in collusion with bonesy (you guys all go way back to something like 2013). In which case, I will go into that politics thread and team up with Kaos (after first designing my own logo) against you  I swear I'll do it!

Or your brain is on crack. Regardless, get off your "there's only x number if spots." You're addicted to that phrase even when it's totally irrelevant.

Take a look at the UC local guarantee website. If you are rank top 9 percent if your graduating class at a participating California high school.

Dude dude dude. I never said anything that would elicit a response about percentages among colleges. Neither from bones nor you!!!!!!!
CogNeuroSci said:
eyephone said:
CogNeuroSci said:
Damn it, eyephone. If I give you the benefit of the doubt, then you must be in collusion with bonesy (you guys all go way back to something like 2013). In which case, I will go into that politics thread and team up with Kaos (after first designing my own logo) against you  I swear I'll do it!

Or your brain is on crack. Regardless, get off your "there's only x number if spots." You're addicted to that phrase even when it's totally irrelevant.

Take a look at the UC local guarantee website. If you are rank top 9 percent if your graduating class at a participating California high school.

Dude dude dude. I never said anything that would elicit a response about percentages among colleges. Neither from bones nor you!!!!!!!

I am not against you. Probably you already knew that UC info. But maybe a someone out there can use that as a guideline to get into a UC.