I am not nitpicking about your point, but I am going to nitpick at your data points. I am not trying to be a jerk. Anal retentive? Maybe a little...
Using population and job data for percentages doesn't paint an accurate picture. Not when 88,310 or 48.3% of the 182,855 population in Irvine is employed. All my data comes from the <a href="">census bureau</a> and the <a href="">EDD</a>. A better way to look at it, is the RE/Finance/Insurance sector in OC employed 148,697 people near the peak. Irvine employed 11,589 or 7.8% of the sector. Comparing the latest EDD report and the census report, 15,197 jobs in that sector have been lost. If Irvine accounts for 7.8%, that is 1185 jobs lost in Irvine. That would be 1.86% of the 63,646 households, or 1.34% of those employed in Irvine. To fine tune it some more 35,907 or 56.4% of the 63,646 occupied housing units are owner occupied. So, if 668, 56.4%, of the 1185 jobs lost are owner occupied, then that would only be 1.86% of the owner occupied housing. Not that scary of number.
In Irvine 7703 homes sold in 2005 and 2006, which is 42% of the 18,373 of the householders who moved into their unit in that time. If that 42% ratio is true, 28.2% of the householders moved into owner occupied units since 2000. I will find the annual sales data since 2003, it's killing me that I can't find it.
There are about 128 bank owned homes and another 250 in the foreclosure process. That would be 35.5% of the listings in Irvine, not including the homes that haven't received a default notice, that are a "short" sale. One thing... I think the data Steve Thomas misses are the homes that are listed as "corporate owned" homes. They do not say "bank" owned, so a search in the MLS would miss this when searching for "bank" owned homes.
How does this effect the performance of kids in school? I would like to think it is minimal. I would hope that the parents, who are going through the stress of financial troubles, would shield their kid or kids from the stress. But, not shield them completely, to the point that the lesson that could be learned is hidden.
Is it that bad in Irvine? Certainly not as bad as other areas, but it could get worse, or it could get better. I hope that it does getter better rather than worse, and I am not a doom and gloomer. I see the numbers for what they are, and unfortunately they are worse than I ever expected. I'm an ubernerd, not a pessimist.