NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
BunkMoreland said:
SoCal said:
Regarding all the talk about what the sales rep should do and was remiss in doing -- the same question always comes to my mind: "Why not make it worth their while?"

Anytime I show up to a restaurant and the wait is 2 hours long with plenty of dreary-looking people ahead of me, I ask for the manager, introduce myself & grease his palm. Every time I get a table with no wait. Often times, I also get a round of desserts on the house. Everybody's happy. Simple. Done and done.

Why not try it with the rep? Make friends. It's worth a shot. All you have to ask yourself is: What's it worth to you? If they'll call you promptly, offer to express a little gratitude. Just a thought.

Got it. I try slipping them a $20 next I'm there. :)

Wow... I butchered that one. Bunk know grammar.
SoCal said:
Anytime I show up to a restaurant and the wait is 2 hours long with plenty of dreary-looking people ahead of me, I ask for the manager, introduce myself & grease his palm. Every time I get a table with no wait. Often times, I also get a round of desserts on the house. Everybody's happy. Simple. Done and done.

Somehow, greasing his palm sounds:
1. Inappropriate
2. Dirty
3. Unsanitary
Somehow, greasing his palm sounds:
1. Inappropriate
2. Dirty
3. Unsanitary

very true. after all, this is not china. it will be really sad if good customer service need some kind of bribery.
Are you against tipping and gratuities, too, then? Some people believe the word "tip" is an acronym which means "to insure promptness". Gratuity is a way to show your gratitude. Why would you say it's dirty or inappropriate? Imo, it's lousy to demand preferential treatment without being gracious. I know someone will chime in saying they don't want preferential treatment, just exceptional service but I don't see it that way from reading this thread. If you want to be the person waiting 2 hours for a table or not getting a home, then, be that person. It's fine with me and fine with the other people who want to get in earlier. The people left waiting are either content with it, don't want it badly enough, or aren't motivated enough to figure out how to work around it. I can't, of course, guarantee they would accept a tip -- I'm just saying if you're that determined, if it really means that much to you -- then it's worth considering. Just my 2 cents. You can't control what other people do but you can control what you do!

lol as long as its not quid pro quo, its not considered "bribery" here in our court of law... ;)... lots of ways to get around this in the states...
Raise your hand if any of you go to Vegas and catch a show. You either get comped tickets in the nosebleed section or you buy whatever is left of a nearly sold out show. But you don't want nosebleeds and there aren't any other tickets available immediately save for scalpers. This is what a person does when they want a better seat: You see the usher. You tell him what you're looking for. All of a sudden there are great seats available -- uh-hem -- empty seats that were reserved ahead of time for a "reason". What you tip the usher is way less than what you pay the box office or the scalper. They want to see the customer happy. But they're not mind-readers. They don't know what you're content with unless you bring it to their attention.

Typically it seems to be men that do this but if you men are not up to trying this, consider sending your wife in to do the talking. My husband hates talking to people. I thrive on it.  :) I do it all. He's good with that because he enjoys the benefits. 

I'm just trying to help. Please be nice.  :) I see how much some of you want this. Why not brainstorm a solution.
rain said:
Somehow, greasing his palm sounds:
1. Inappropriate
2. Dirty
3. Unsanitary

very true. after all, this is not china. it will be really sad if good customer service need some kind of bribery.

Irvine is !China?...when did this happen?
SoCal said:
Are you against tipping and gratuities, too, then? Some people believe the word "tip" is an acronym which means "to insure promptness". Gratuity is a way to show your gratitude. Why would you say it's dirty or inappropriate? Imo, it's lousy to demand preferential treatment without being gracious. I know someone will chime in saying they don't want preferential treatment, just exceptional service but I don't see it that way from reading this thread. If you want to be the person waiting 2 hours for a table or not getting a home, then, be that person. It's fine with me and fine with the other people who want to get in earlier. The people left waiting are either content with it, don't want it badly enough, or aren't motivated enough to figure out how to work around it. I can't, of course, guarantee they would accept a tip -- I'm just saying if you're that determined, if it really means that much to you -- then it's worth considering. Just my 2 cents. You can't control what other people do but you can control what you do!

LOL, hold up...hold up.  I was only referring to the term "greasing the palm."  It literally sounds weird...that's all.

I see no problem with working the system to your benefit.
kubert13 said:
LOL, hold up...hold up.  I was only referring to the term "greasing the palm."  It literally sounds weird...that's all.

I see no problem with working the system to your benefit.

Ah. I see. I apologize for misunderstanding.
All this talk about greasing reminds me of a real estate agent who told my friend he would put him ahead of the cash buyers for a small fee.  That small fee was an additional 10K on top of his commission. 

Needless to say he was no longer his agent.

Out of curiosity... what do you tip the usher?  If I actually saw this happening with the sales reps--accepting bribes--I would report them to the corporate office at the very least.  Tipping an usher is a far cry from a tipping someone for a house.  I am sure that is not legal and could be reported.

To All:  BTW, why won't they disclose information, as to what number on the list, etc.  Some reps do and some don't. 

USC T:  I agree.  It does not work, Grand Opening or not.

Broda:  What year did you work your magic and get a house on demand?  Not working any more.  I'd be afraid to ask at this point.  Most sales reps have teeth now, they bite. 

To All:  True, so many Asians in Irvine and I've seen exactly one female and one male sales rep who were Asian.  I guess they met their quota.
none:  I did it summer of 2012.  I guess the demand is that much higher right now they don't need to cut people in line. 
