aquabliss said:Looks like about 35 Open Houses this weekend in Irvine. This lockdown is working great.
peregrine said:Novel Park has raised prices in the last couple of weeks. Does COVID-19 make this neighborhood more desirable somehow?
USCTrojanCPA said:The realtor association sent out an email for all realtors to stop open houses and disabled the open house section on MLS, about time in my opinion.
Cares said:USCTrojanCPA said:The realtor association sent out an email for all realtors to stop open houses and disabled the open house section on MLS, about time in my opinion.
They also said that no inspections should occur so I don't know how a transaction is going to possibly close in a timely fashion. Coronavirus addendum is also available for all transactions to allow delays.
akkord said:If they aren't allowing inspectors, are the banks/lenders still letting appraisers go into people's homes? There's a ton of refis out there and I guess purchases based on this thread.
irvinehomeowner said:Where is Kenkoko with his AI and robots that can do these inspections for us virus-free?![]()
irvinehomeowner said:Where is Kenkoko with his AI and robots that can do these inspections for us virus-free?![]()
Mety said:He's gone as the stock went up again. JK.
aquabliss said:Cares said:USCTrojanCPA said:The realtor association sent out an email for all realtors to stop open houses and disabled the open house section on MLS, about time in my opinion.
They also said that no inspections should occur so I don't know how a transaction is going to possibly close in a timely fashion. Coronavirus addendum is also available for all transactions to allow delays.
This is an interesting one. Seems like the inspector should be able to do their job solo, not sure why this restriction is in place? So only way to close is if the buyer waives their right to inspection I suppose?
What is the Coronavirus addendum?
mhanism said:So I'm from the Bay Area, Fremont - Alameda County, and our home was about to get listed last weekend w/ Open House when the Shelter In Place ordinance went into effect. Then LA/OC followed with something similar, and the Gov. issued a statewide Shelter in Place ordinance later in the week.
We ended up not listing and canceled our Open House. And I'm hearing a lot of buyers backed out of their offers due to the uncertainty. That said, seems like the county has closed shop w/ no recordings taking place and our realtor is not doing private showings and recommended we hold off indefinitely. I brought up what I'm reading here about private showings and deals still going on in Irvine, and he was not open to the idea due to potential infections and health risks.
I'm hoping the social distancing, increased avail. of testing, and shelter in place measures make a good impact and we can see our economy and housing market steadily open back up in April.
Below is our realtor's ad for our home:
Mety said:That's a nice home. 3CWG! That's something you can't find among new homes in Irvine. Why are you thinking of moving here? You already have a nice home there.