Irvine Housing Booming

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
They aren't even including the homes over at Orchard Hills...

USCTrojanCPA said:
They aren't even including the homes over at Orchard Hills...


I'm guessing that the reporter spoke to people at TIC when writing this article. If TIC had plans to develop Orchard Hills prior to 2020 (which is what this article is about), don't you think that someone from TIC would've pointed out that the numbers should actually be higher if there were indeed plans to develop Orchard Hills before 2020. Methinks that Orchard Hills is beyond 2020. Speculating, of course.
It seems like the next village for TIC will be at the area 5B.
Location wise, the area 5B is better than SG.
I wonder when will TIC kick out those mobile homes across Ivine Blvd.
Maybe they meant Apartment Homes.  I thought Cypress Village was where they're putting the low income apartments, but it also says homes.
The traffic on San Canyon and Jeffery will be terrible after all those homes are built up. We need another road. :(
And although it's not in Irvine, there will be all the new development in the Tustin Legacy project just outside of Irvine's boundaries which will add to that same traffic level.


Just found some info regarding planning area 5B:

"The community will not be gated.
The south-east corner (Irvine Blvd & Jeffrey Road) will include a maximum of 456 apartment
homes. There will be 90 affordable homes on the corner of Jeffrey Road and the first entrance
road. The balance of the area will be a mix of higher density condos and low to medium-density
single-family detached homes. Zone 7, which is  the northern most section (which appears to
border 7 Puerto, 26 and 24 and 22 Rincon), will be more expensive, lower-density homes. Total
number of residences will be approximately 1,900. ",d.cGE
The ones bordering the trail should fetch a nice price.. no wonder there is so much construction on Jeffrey and Portola.
4,500 homes in Portola Springs!?  Dang that's a lot.  I wonder if that will stimulate the building of the Elementary School and Village Center...
kubert13 said:
4,500 homes in Portola Springs!?  Dang that's a lot.  I wonder if that will stimulate the building of the Elementary School and Village Center...
From the looks of it, the demand is there so if they build all those homes they'll get sold.
Talk about overbuilding... Traffic is already bad, I can only imagine with this increase in housing how bad Culver/Jeffrey/Jamboree/Sand Canyon traffic will be.
homer_simpson said:
Talk about overbuilding... Traffic is already bad, I can only imagine with this increase in housing how bad Culver/Jeffrey/Jamboree/Sand Canyon traffic will be.

Not nearly as bad as the 5 freeway is going to be.
irvinehomeowner said:
You can already see how bad Culver is after 5pm... Jeffrey and Sand Canyon will look similar.

It's called "progress".

I still chalk up a lot of the congestion on terrible traffic lights.  Jamboree in the morning is completely jammed up because of two lights near the 5.
homer_simpson said:
Talk about overbuilding... Traffic is already bad, I can only imagine with this increase in housing how bad Culver/Jeffrey/Jamboree/Sand Canyon traffic will be.

All part of a scheme to get people to pay and use the toll roads...which will eventually get crowded as well.
@The Motor Court Company

The 10000 homes in Heritage Fields is not finalized.  New Mayor Steven Choi and his allies on the council will hopefully will kill these additional home.  This is why I voted for him.  We need to stop over building in Irvine.  The quality of life in Irvine is detoriating due to over development by the Irvine Company and Five Points.  Steven Choi, please do what we elected you to do....stop the madness.

Good timing on the OC Register article for TIC/City. It will nicely deflect all the recent bad press Irvine has received in the last week. Too bad this local article will not reach its target audience in Asia.